I will code your pivot EAs for no charge 25 replies
I will code your scalping EAs for no charge 163 replies
Oanda MT4 - Indicators and EAs not showing 2 replies
EAs and indicators relating to moutaki... 22 replies
InterbankFX has loaded its MT4 platform with custom EAs, indicators and scripts 1 reply
DislikedThis looks a little too good to be true so I am presuming it repaints but as the divergence lines don't work there may be a fault in the code. If it can be corrected it will be of help to day traders. 2TT {file} {image}Ignored
Disliked{quote} Jean, I'm looking like traditional bollinger bands. Even so, thank you very much.Ignored
DislikedDear master , Please help create EA for this template as attached .... tp = reversal of current trade ..... SL = fractal formed prior to ENTRY .... trail = 20PIPS LOTSIZE 2% of equity subject to maximum of 45 pips SL Thanks ..... setup is 87% profitable from back test. {image} {file}Ignored
Disliked{quote} Hello! tintep and everybody in this thread. i have an idea could you code it be an EA Timeframe for tradeIgnored
Disliked{quote} Hi hktaukhua . I am sorry . I don't made EA. I like semi EA . I hove some coder can help you. I am sorry.Ignored
DislikedDear master , Please help create EA for this template as attached .... tp = reversal of current trade ..... SL = fractal formed prior to ENTRY .... trail = 20PIPS LOTSIZE 2% of equity subject to maximum of 45 pips SL Thanks ..... setup is 87% profitable from back test. {image} {file}Ignored
DislikedVery Good Afternoon Dear Coders, Can we have a Volume Indicator which can Display the Volume Just like the Price for Entire month starting from 0 of the Month Start till Current Time For Example - Price Shows us like the Following. WE WANT VOLUME TO BE SHOWN AS FOLLOWING Date :- 2021.10.01 Price :- 1.1575 Date :- 2021.10.18 Price :- 1.1590 We can see the Price daily in the same way can we have an Indicator who shows the Volume daily into an Excel file starting from day 1 of the Month like 1 - 4500 volume then second day should start from day 4500...Ignored