Disliked{quote} Only emotion is different from demo trading. Trader hardly feel any emotion in demo trading due to virtual money.Ignored
Spread betting Forex vs. regular trading forex 4 replies
Spot Forex vs CFD Forex: Are we really trading Spot? 11 replies
Forex Trading: Incorporating Price Behavior into a Forex Trading System 4 replies
New ichi – new way to beat the forex 49 replies
Disliked{quote} Agree! demo should be treated like real account else results won't be same when you will switch from demo to live.Ignored
DislikedIf you are new in this market you have to make a good trading plan. Without a good plan, you can not survive in this risky market.Ignored
DislikedEvery new trader should make a solid trading plan to make a profit from the forex market. Without a good trading plan, no trader can make money from forex.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Very Very important , some people don't learn good without mentors , I'm that kind of people, I got myself someone that helps me . I'd also say do alot of readings , some videos are misleadingIgnored
DislikedMost new traders make one mistake. After few months of demo trading, they start to trader in live account. But before start trading in live account, a trader should have good understanding of trading psychology, emotions and risk management.Ignored
DislikedWithout previous experience, it is very difficult to go ahead with consistent profit in trading. Because profit depends on trading skills. The better the trading skills, the better the profit.Ignored