Disliked{quote} You absolutely right! Dividing on 5 because there are 5 steps. My mistake. So it doesn't matter how many days back to check. Taking data from last 5 or 10 or 222 days back is just to get more accurate average. But divide always on 5. {quote} Yes, sure. But I don't need the information how price was moving open/close... I need only 5 things and this approach works great for that purpose: 1. Avoid entries within -1 level - zero - +1 level because they are useless and just taking margin/balance 2. Avoid entries > 3 level and < 3 level because...Ignored
But remember, the normal distribution curve is not linear, whereas you have decided to use linear divisions. If you want to create divisions based on the normal distribution curve, then one way is to use "probability paper". That is, the y-axis is scaled in units of %probability while the x-axis has a linear scale.
You can do normal probability plots in Excel if you have the Analysis Toolpak activated.
To free Gazans of Hamas, use whatever it takes.