Disliked{quote} You could be more selective with the trades you take and only take those which pay a positive swapIgnored

Is it Possible to Hide Main chart/Main Window? 6 replies
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Survey: Reason for Trading 6 replies
The REAL reason why nearly every trader fails. Can you solve this trading dilemma? 85 replies
Disliked{quote} So earning a rollover is a scam. What are the brokers gaining by paying you interest? for someone that's been on this forum for 7 years you really haven't learned much! this is obviously the wrong business for you if you don't understand basic rate differentials. country A has a rate of 2% country B has a rate of 0% Country A has a tighter monetary policy than country B and the cost of money is more due to the economic health of the economy. Country B has a loose monetary policy because the economy is struggling so the cost of money is free...Ignored
Disliked{quote} The broker will pad the swap to an obscene level. The usual scam is to advertise a low spread / commission, then they gouge on the swap. Any retail forex broker worth his salt will make sure to pay as little as possible on positive swaps and to charge as much as possible on negative swaps. They can get away with it and they do. It's a rip off.Ignored
Disliked{quote} if you are using leverage then what do you think you are paying for the privilege? would you open a business that lends money to people and not charge them for the service? get realIgnored
Disliked{quote} I am not saying you should not be paying for the "privilege", I am saying that the broker will screw you on the rate. "price gouging" on the swap rate they offer their customer is common practice. Would you go to the local loan shark to borrow money ?... I guess you would ...Ignored
Disliked{quote} The brokers don't screw you the info is clear on each of their websites on how much you will be charged. Seems to me that you just jump in without doing your due diligence and then moan about it with blanket statements about the industry. Stop trading immediately and take up a hobby because you are never going to make it in this industry.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Your average broker will pad the swap to such a level that the rate is extremely small on positive swaps and obcenely huge on negative swaps. I agree, this is a hidden cost to be aware of, that and the fact that it pushes traders to close their position before EOD, turning their trading into daytrading. Day trading is certainly a losing proposition for most retail forex traders but better for the broker;Ignored
Disliked{quote} If you think your broker does not scheme (within the rules / law) to get as much money as possible from customer funds you are delusional. But mostly, they don't have to do anything to get the clients money sooner or later! they just rely on the 90/90/90 ruleIgnored
Disliked{quote} brokers I trade with are regulated, you do know what regulations are don't you.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Like I said, they try to get away with shenanigans within regulations. It makes sense, it's good business. Why should they not maximize their profit as much as possible ? Of course a non regulation broker is a lot lot worse.Ignored
Disliked{quote} you clearly don't understand regulars and what it means to brokers or the industry as a whole. no wonder you can't make a success of this business you have wasted 7 years of you life.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Actually, I do understand. First of all, it's not a business. Granted, it's a business for the broker. For the Retail forex trader though, it's glorified gambling. He can pretend he is running a business. I don't have a problem with that. But I think, overall, the whole activity it's a bit delusional. Reality sinks in eventually (; It's actually harder on people who were determined to treat it as a business... Let's just decide it's a game, like a casino game.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Actually, I do understand. First of all, it's not a business. Granted, it's a business for the broker. For the Retail forex trader though, it's glorified gambling. He can pretend he is running a business. I don't have a problem with that. But I think, overall, the whole activity it's a bit delusional. Reality sinks in eventually (; It's actually harder on people who were determined to treat it as a business... Let's just decide it's a game, like a casino game.Ignored
Disliked{quote} I completely agree with you man. After many years of believing that there was a way to predict outcome, and being frustrated over and over, I realized that for a small fish such as myself, its nothing more than a fancy gambling game with the odds well in the favor of the house. But... once you come to that conclusion, it is a bit of a relief. -fighter-Ignored
Disliked{quote} I know for a fact that some people make good money consistently as retail traders over long period of time. There arent many but they do exsist. So the notion that FX is a form of gambling is compeltely false. It may seem like gambling for those that fail but profitable traders opinion is completely different.Ignored
Disliked{quote} why are you wasting your time on a trading forum if you believe its a waste of timeIgnored
Disliked{quote} It's not a waste of time. I get a chance to chat with people like you.Ignored