Disliked{quote}< Odd. .. Noone liked my picture?? How sad I'm smart enough NOT to read what few crybabies readIgnored
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Disliked{quote}< Odd. .. Noone liked my picture?? How sad I'm smart enough NOT to read what few crybabies readIgnored
Disliked{quote} <..if it does fade away, I can't wait for John McAfee to eat his D**k on National TV <img data-emoji="blush" width="18" height="18" class="emoji" src="https://cdn-resources.faireconomy.media/images/emojis/64/1f60a.png?v=" />Ignored
Dislikeddude, we can put sell position for bitcoin, if only the swap is not killing it, i would already do that. bucket binary whateverIgnored
Disliked{quote} Comparing crypto to other brilliant inventions (car, bulb, telephone, PC, television, bank cards, internet...) is what we call a sophism. Exactly, a fallacious argument, apparently correct, but vicious inside. Here is how it's working: They are picking up deliberately only the good, successful, brilliant, rare examples, ...to validate a new idea! They pick only the visible top of the iceberg !!! And deliberately ignoring the bad ideas, the hard useless workers, dark creeps, idealists, utopians, the fuck ups, the failure invisible army at...Ignored
DislikedNice to see; recent bullish move; but as I see, 4100-4300 area is very important; buyers need to cross this area by establishing a perfect bullish trend.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Lately John McAfee said that "he'll outsource the task to some hooker ". But it doesn't matter if it's 2020 or 2021 well see nice 6 digits. Note what i always said - 1 MILLION is too much and hardly reachable!!!! My targets and profit takes are well listed in my thread....Ignored
DislikedI know people with intelligence of tunnel rats will rip me to shreds for saying unpleasant truth.... ... Well I'm not sorry NOT Ohhh three's a picture for further thoughts. Seems familiar?? LOL {image}Ignored
Disliked{quote} That's an interesting point you make about my comparison of car/crypto acceptance as a sophism. Maybe it is true, as it is hard if not impossible compare two things that have nothing in common... But I have a question for you: so you don't consider bitcoin being able to become a part of real finances, so it will always be a kind of outsider player? I mean, its extremely high volatility is obvious and it is not back up by anything compared to real money but still won't it integrate into world finances?Ignored
Disliked{quote} Thank you confirming it's a never ending Ponzi scheme, dudeIgnored
Disliked{quote} No, it is not - but if you come to my thread and register on this website, and start investing small (only 5000$) - I guarantee you will retire with a million ;-). Why people that got butsexed their entire life like to do it again and again :-)Ignored
Disliked{quote}< Odd. .. Noone liked my picture?? How sad I'm smart enough NOT to read what few crybabies readIgnored
Disliked{quote} That's an interesting point you make about my comparison of car/crypto acceptance as a sophism. Maybe it is true, as it is hard if not impossible compare two things that have nothing in common......
..it integrate into world finances?Ignored
Disliked{quote} If you would be smart, you would take critics as normal human,without insulting others and respecting other ppl opinion. Maybe then,you would be Smart,but for now, you just mister "fancy" pantsIgnored
Disliked{quote} Hi I can't read Tudor. I'm sorry And i can only say debating with some people.... that only talk about pitchforks and wooden wheels on oxen carts.....is not wise Look at Watt, Benz, Otto Diesel.....Dunlop. Poor guys Spent their lives perfecting the automobile (get it????? AUTO - MOBILE .....like BIT -COIN ..... ohhhhhhh...Ignored