Dislikedstill on sim consistently hitting 100 plus ticks per day for past 2 weeks except yesterday -6 ticks. {image}Ignored
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Staying in my lane...
Plan the Trade / Trade the plan 74 replies
Plan the Trade and Trade the Plan: Swing Trading the Euro 5 replies
My backtest - optimisation - trade plan 0 replies
A realistic trade plan 6 replies
my trade plan for next week 47 replies
Dislikedstill on sim consistently hitting 100 plus ticks per day for past 2 weeks except yesterday -6 ticks. {image}Ignored
Disliked{quote} Time to go live brother :- I am also able to make it but my curiosity to check "what else is out there" is making me play around after my goal is hit. which is my flaw to keep on understanding shit that I should not be caring about :-( {image}Ignored
DislikedEnded at -15 ... slipped with a railway bar again ... pesky things ... did not see good setups in general today ... I do not know where you get all your +2s, Mr D ... would appreciate any comments in general ... I learned a lot from the comments that you and Cap made the other day. {image}Ignored
Disliked{quote} True that VEE. I am too busy with my regular job, i cannot spend much time for trading which is good for me as i am hitting my target within a hour and walkaway , forced to be disciplined now.Ignored
Disliked{quote} I tried the profile indicator on Sierra and these red circled "low volume" price levels are often revisited to "fill the hole". HAve you also noticed this? I am not sure what the technical term is for these red lined zones lol {image}Ignored
Disliked{quote} it's called profile pockets. market follows law of thermodynamics (2nd) - where energy moves to achieve equilibrium in this case price tends to move to low volume areas to achieve "equilibrium" in order for structure to achieve balanceIgnored
Disliked{quote} Interesting. I would think there would be more trade volumes at those 5 candle reversals creating a flip zone and then after 30+ candles, more traded volume to cause that breakout candle downward move. More orders or trades turns price into directional moves but in this case, it is lack of liquidity on one side of the balance equation? I also fail to understand why price always does not follow volume... per the principles of supply and demand, if more contracts (volume and not trades) are traded at the bid, then price must go down right?...Ignored
Disliked{quote} "more liquidity" at flip zones makes no sense to me. The idea of S/Rs or flip zone as you call it, means that either the few bids or offers dried up at the level causing it to reverse. price moves due to liquidity. that's why at vwap/poc, you have the most volume. more volume just means "value" at that zone, so s/r by defition cannot be value areas...Ignored
Disliked{quote} By "more Liquidity", I mean more imbalance on one side order becoming a HOT hand to flip the direction.... and by that, it should mean "increase in volume at either bid or ask" to result in price making a directional move at these flip zones. I think I am still missing something basic in my understanding of order flow as I am not able to find a "signature" of correlation between volumes and price.Ignored
Disliked{quote} By "more Liquidity", I mean more imbalance on one side order becoming a HOT hand to flip the direction.... and by that, it should mean "increase in volume at either bid or ask" to result in price making a directional move at these flip zones. I think I am still missing something basic in my understanding of order flow as I am not able to find a "signature" of correlation between volumes and price.Ignored
Disliked{quote} you're too much of a quant for me man. i kind of approach trading very high level. i look for patterns around my indicators and go with that. i don't need to understand why, i just need to know it happens often.. in this case you see s/rs around pockets. ok so then use it as setup. doneIgnored
Disliked{quote} On the picture below, I enabled a feature that shows where the POC was at any given time today (yellow solid line that you see stair stepping down). It's nice to have in order to look back in time and learn how price interacts with POC. Take a look at the blue circles that I added manually. In particular how it interacts with either the POC at that time or with a boundary layer of the VWAP standard deviation bands. As with any support/resistance type of trading you have to take into account how price is reacting at those levels. If it just...Ignored
DislikedHi, Divergence: After watching your videos on YouTube I still have a few questions that I hope you can somehow clarify: 1.What exactly are you looking for when trading (is it 123 high & low)? 2.Where exactly are you taking a pullback to? 3.After a pullback what exactly is your entry trigger? 4.Your entry, SL, TP (trade management)? I’m sorry for so many basic questions as I can’t seem to find answers just by watching videos. And also if you could illustrate with some screenshots (charts) that would be even better because I’m sure others will have...Ignored