Dislikedpart2 system failure vs humane failure i think this is one major question most ask or should ask, and the answer is key to going forward. it was partly answered in part1. it is clearly NOT a system failure, in anything this event only reinforces the system itself. but also uncovers one important aspect that is missing on the retail traders arsenal: WHAT measures can be used AGAINST the HUMANE FAILURE? yes, it was my fail on an emotional level, that overwrite the racionale i was using on other ( not personal) accounts. these emotional reactions obviously...Ignored
you could use only one account , where your stopoutlevel is your worst case 7% SL or whatever worst case SL target you have.
so you have first to bring from other account by this broker, or from other bank money again in, and you are protected in this way to open again fast new positions.
of of course you need to have enough leverage then in this account, or in other accounts there so it can be added.