Disliked{quote} Totally agree with each of your words..... the thing i was trying to show is "rsioma with signal line was also working on place where tf crosses is ditched by mtf dds" below is the pic dds cross works verry good in ranging type of market where trend is not strong and changes direction often but it is unable to shows the cross when market is trending as because crosses happens beyond the stoch fixed window. i know a little that moving to one higher tf for looking crosses works in this situation but its only after I hold[/highlight]...Ignored
Good point and I have said in the past to look where your next larger TF it at, and what it is doing . This is a great time to go over your point again, it will help many Humans understand better that are trying to learn this system, any even Alien Loves a refresher.
I found the chart you were on and set it up like yours for comparison.
You are correct with what you are telling me , and having the RSIoma with the MultiDDS together looks to help us stay in the trade and help us recognize a trend. This is a great find!
As the H4 on your chart goes long , the RSIoma stays uncrossed during the trend! it tried once but never happened.
Back to my point , if you would have the Daily on your chart, you would find why the H1 crossing down over the H4 was no effective.
Looking at my chart with the Daily DDS added, you will see the Daily, H4 and H1 all compressed together low.
The H1 goes long above the H4 for your first attempt at a Long trade.
Then you see the H4 crossing the Daily Long for the trend change again. With the Daily going long now, (which was not on your chart) It gives you that extra bit of info that a trend long may be in place.
Yes , when you talk about the H1 crossing short over the H4 just as the trend long gets going, there is a drop in price , but not much power or distance to it, because you are now swimming upstream in the river now against the current. The Daily turning long created the next larger trend long.
Rule of Thumb: Always check the location and direction of the next larger TF DDS,
So the Daily is long and the H4 is long and everytime the H1 turned long , look at the Price action shoot long.
One Last thing for a Exit on this trend. A good exit is where you see the H1 pulls the H4 down, that would be near top of the trend. OR because this trend could of continued, the H4 crossing below the Daily is a trend killer for now.
The More You Learn, The More You Earn.....