Sorry if is it already been asked but i can't find it on previous pages.
Please suggest a simple & effective Method/System of "Trading System" Forum to newbie 180 replies
Day Trading system - Simple system to make money 51 replies
Vince's Simple REVERSAL Strategy on Daily Chart... 8 replies
Simple, Profitable BB Reversal System: 25 replies
Simple Daily Trend System 14 replies
DislikedI am purely following the EA signal without putting the indicators on the chart. so far the result are quite positive if you dont set the TP too far. I notice most of the trade are counter trend trading which will not hit 2:1 reward to risk. but if u just take profit and run it is quite high profitability. I got stop out previously by usdjpy and gbpjpy last week when i didn exited the trade with 200pips. However, overall i am still in positive now.Ignored
DislikedI'm Not sure about everyone else, but i've reduced my USD exposure down to GBPUSD only for the rate announcement in 15 mins Just in case it goes crazy!Ignored
Disliked{quote} I am testing H1 TF with the EA, and so far it's mixed. I also tested out of curiosity M5, M15, M30 TF, but they were a disaster, and were quickly wiping the account, it reminded me of the early days of when I was developing and testing this strategy how unsuccessful this strategy was on lower TF. I'm currently testing only on H1, and H4.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Ye it willrussian30 you also use that indicator that show all the pairs on the chart..can you post it please by any chance?
Disliked{quote} Hi hzs10, Sorry for asking the possible obvious....and your are ONLY trading on the 4H?Ignored
Disliked{quote} i think you should stick to higher time frame like H4 as i am still shorting this pair {image}Ignored