As there no longer appears to be any interest in this thread in my opinion there is no reason to continue it.
Thanks to all who participated and I sincerely wish everyone benefited in some way and all the best for the future.
Thread Closed
Invitation ... Come To A Party ... where contributors ... Share In The Green Profits ... you read it correctly!
First - for any doubters/haters/detractors this has already been approved by Twee from Forex Factory Aug 3, 2017. Twee's initial reaction "I would lean against this", after the details were provided, "Since you put it that way. Brilliant", as such, any negativity here and it’s goodbye!
No time for negative distractions here, it is all about the positive end goal Strategies that will change lives and sharing in the profits from this thread.
Twee has requested that we all remember to read understand and act in accordance with the Trader Code of Conduct (
The Trader Code of Conduct is important and if it is violated by a post, the post will be cleaned up and the person blocked - no exceptions - this thread will not be put at risk by people who choose not to comply. If you don't like this policy then don't post.
Credits firstly to FerruFX ( without whom ES Trader ( would not have developed the first published strategy way back in September, 2011 and more recently the amazing work of ForexPinBar ( whose thread has brought us here and we must not forget the brilliant minds of xmess7 ( and the more recent discovery of FxMadness (
Why a separate thread? People have asked for it, I originally put the idea of a competition to a few people but now it has become more and they have asked for a separate thread to develop the strategy so here it is. FPBs title is Weekly signals this thread is exclusively about auto FIFO and Daily the focus is lower risk using Daily, Market Open times & News trading only.
My original FIFO Post 4726 (, seems like years ago now, worked at the time and still does today however the clever minds of many, have jumped ahead to include CCFp-Diff FIFO trading.
Everyone who follows the thread rule Is Welcome, think of this place as a Research Lab, we share everything to do with the Goal of Auto Trading Low Risk FIFO News, Market Open & Daily Strategies and when we share everything, the group benefits. This can and will change lives, it has done so already ...
Thread Rule:
The Goal is Auto Trading Low Risk FIFO News, Market Open & Daily Strategies.
Contributors give permission for other contributors to copy their ideas but you need to add value and then share the added value.
When you share your results, good or bad, you are required to share everything, not just a picture, you must include a full description of what you did and how you got the results including a .set file and a template/s and or file/s so it can be duplicated and so there is no doubt as to your strategy.
It will also assist everyone if you also start a Public Trade Explorer as well because this will reduce questions about your development and provide very useful information for everyone without cluttering the thread.
Hidden secrets and delaying publication of your strategy is not allowed, that attitude does not benefit the group - we all need to know what works and what does not work, post everything to do with the Goal.
Please also think about your post, I understand that this is global and there may be language barriers but please remember this is English language and if English is not your main language a few minutes on Google may make all the difference with the response you receive. Again this all about the Group.
All trading must be using an EA on Auto - no manual trading allowed (other than Start & Stop buttons). Manual trading is banned simply because it is individual and cannot be duplicated. When you make your first post please refer to the Sharing section above.
Note: If you don't agree with the thread rule then don't post; why ... simple, I am retired and my time is valuable and I am not going to waste my time moderating/tidying up a thread because someone wants to challenge the rules ... if you don't like the rules and claim freedom of speech or whatever which is outside the Goal of this thread then start your own thread - I'm sure you will get millions of people who are interested in your opinion or not ... simple!
The focus of this thread is the Goal, if you want to have your ego pampered, or want to make empty threats about leaving to show how powerful you think you are then don't start. There is only one thing of focus here and that is the Goal. Stick to the rules and all will be fine, deviate and it's have a nice life, try to test the rules and it's have a nice life ... simple!
See the section below, near the bottom of this page for links to files.
It is very easy to be distracted with using other resources but many people may not know how to use them so at this stage please restrict your use of resource to this list.
If you have a question about CCFp, xmess7's EA or anything else that is started in FPBs thread please ask it there or use the Forex Factory Search Facility and or Paperclip at the top of the page or PM (Private Message) someone for an answer unless it is for the benefit of the group. There is no need to ask about times because ALL times here are to be stated in GMT only.
Commencement Day:
Immediate - Times of trading: You can trade whenever you choose and can trade as often or as little as you want and when you mention any start finish times ALWAYS state it in GMT.
To find the Top 3 Auto strategies for each News, Market Open and Daily Trading.
The finalists will be chosen based on their 1) Trade Explorer Information and 2) Thread contributions.
The finals competitors will be chosen after trading with a new Standard Demo account with a broker of their choosing, Investment $500, 1:500 Leverage and will be evaluated at the end of the Finals Month (Month To Be Decided). The decision of the final winner is final however it may be determined that there is a winner in each category, if so the final winner of each category will receive the Final Winner as below.
Final Winner:
The final winner will then be invited to manage a Live Account where they will benefit from a share of the profits. There will be an investment amount of $500 available for trading and as soon as the account reaches $1000, the $500 will be withdrawn and the account will continue until such time that either the winner does not want to continue or the thread contributors by majority of 75% vote to close the account and split the profits on the following basis: 50% - winner / 50% even distributed between the thread contributors, then the account will be closed.
Yes, I will repeat it ... 50% split divided between all other qualifying thread contributors with their share paid directly into their own live trading account or via P@yP@1 to their email address - no other method is available.
To be eligible for the Competition you must provide the EA used, the template and .set files used in your published result and also set-up a Trade Explorer applicable to this thread.
The longer and greater your contribution the greater your probability of being accepted to compete.
Obviously as the Trade Explorer is used in the evaluation process it must only contain trading applicable to this thread FIFO News, Market Open & Daily Strategies.
Please, if you are not prepared to play by the rules (non negotiable) do not start; this competition is privately funded; it is not funded by some multi-million dollar broker so do not think this of this thread as a free ride, as you already know life does not work that way.
Disclaimer Risk Warning:
Trading Derivatives carries a high level of risk to your capital and you should only trade with money you can afford to lose. Trading Derivatives may not be suitable for all investors, so please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved, and seek independent advice if necessary prior to proceeding further.
If you do not agree to the above there are plenty of other threads on Forex Factory and we wish you every success.
Important: Please check regularly the Members links below for updates, e.g. FerruFX ( - FxMadness ( - xmess7 (
It is very easy to be distracted with using other resources but many people may not know how to use them so at this stage please restrict your use of resource to the following:
FerruFX (
Place the files below into the MT4 Indicators folder
FxMadness (
Note: 1) FxMadness does not change the FXM__Diff3 file name with new updates so ensure you track that date of your last download.
xmess7 ( Use the link ( to check for update versions.
If you can demonstrate that other resources will bring significant benefit to the end goal, please PM, it is only a distraction if you mention it it in the thread.
If you intend setting up multiple templates it may be easier to re-name the EA to something like xm7_CCFp_WTM (as in the graphic/template below), the reason is that each time xmess7 updates his EA and if you have it loaded on multiple templates, by copying and renaming the latest version to xm7_CCFp_WTM (or similar) it will automatically update all versions in all templates when it is refreshed. Simply put the new version in your Experts folder and refresh/restart your MT4.
One aspect of trading that sometimes causes confusion and is very important for setting correctly in the EA is GMT Time ( (please bookmark)
All the best and I wish you every success
Thanks to all who participated and I sincerely wish everyone benefited in some way and all the best for the future.
Thread Closed

Invitation ... Come To A Party ... where contributors ... Share In The Green Profits ... you read it correctly!
This thread is all about working together for a common goal and receiving information and funds in return. This is going to be a once in a lifetime celebration of finding the best Auto Fast In Fast Out (FIFO) strategies for trading News, Market Opens and Day Trading
First - for any doubters/haters/detractors this has already been approved by Twee from Forex Factory Aug 3, 2017. Twee's initial reaction "I would lean against this", after the details were provided, "Since you put it that way. Brilliant", as such, any negativity here and it’s goodbye!
No time for negative distractions here, it is all about the positive end goal Strategies that will change lives and sharing in the profits from this thread.
Twee has requested that we all remember to read understand and act in accordance with the Trader Code of Conduct (
The Trader Code of Conduct is important and if it is violated by a post, the post will be cleaned up and the person blocked - no exceptions - this thread will not be put at risk by people who choose not to comply. If you don't like this policy then don't post.
Credits firstly to FerruFX ( without whom ES Trader ( would not have developed the first published strategy way back in September, 2011 and more recently the amazing work of ForexPinBar ( whose thread has brought us here and we must not forget the brilliant minds of xmess7 ( and the more recent discovery of FxMadness (
Why a separate thread? People have asked for it, I originally put the idea of a competition to a few people but now it has become more and they have asked for a separate thread to develop the strategy so here it is. FPBs title is Weekly signals this thread is exclusively about auto FIFO and Daily the focus is lower risk using Daily, Market Open times & News trading only.
My original FIFO Post 4726 (, seems like years ago now, worked at the time and still does today however the clever minds of many, have jumped ahead to include CCFp-Diff FIFO trading.
Everyone who follows the thread rule Is Welcome, think of this place as a Research Lab, we share everything to do with the Goal of Auto Trading Low Risk FIFO News, Market Open & Daily Strategies and when we share everything, the group benefits. This can and will change lives, it has done so already ...
Thread Rule:
The Goal is Auto Trading Low Risk FIFO News, Market Open & Daily Strategies.
Contributors give permission for other contributors to copy their ideas but you need to add value and then share the added value.
When you share your results, good or bad, you are required to share everything, not just a picture, you must include a full description of what you did and how you got the results including a .set file and a template/s and or file/s so it can be duplicated and so there is no doubt as to your strategy.
It will also assist everyone if you also start a Public Trade Explorer as well because this will reduce questions about your development and provide very useful information for everyone without cluttering the thread.
Hidden secrets and delaying publication of your strategy is not allowed, that attitude does not benefit the group - we all need to know what works and what does not work, post everything to do with the Goal.
Please also think about your post, I understand that this is global and there may be language barriers but please remember this is English language and if English is not your main language a few minutes on Google may make all the difference with the response you receive. Again this all about the Group.
All trading must be using an EA on Auto - no manual trading allowed (other than Start & Stop buttons). Manual trading is banned simply because it is individual and cannot be duplicated. When you make your first post please refer to the Sharing section above.
Note: If you don't agree with the thread rule then don't post; why ... simple, I am retired and my time is valuable and I am not going to waste my time moderating/tidying up a thread because someone wants to challenge the rules ... if you don't like the rules and claim freedom of speech or whatever which is outside the Goal of this thread then start your own thread - I'm sure you will get millions of people who are interested in your opinion or not ... simple!
The focus of this thread is the Goal, if you want to have your ego pampered, or want to make empty threats about leaving to show how powerful you think you are then don't start. There is only one thing of focus here and that is the Goal. Stick to the rules and all will be fine, deviate and it's have a nice life, try to test the rules and it's have a nice life ... simple!
See the section below, near the bottom of this page for links to files.
It is very easy to be distracted with using other resources but many people may not know how to use them so at this stage please restrict your use of resource to this list.
If you have a question about CCFp, xmess7's EA or anything else that is started in FPBs thread please ask it there or use the Forex Factory Search Facility and or Paperclip at the top of the page or PM (Private Message) someone for an answer unless it is for the benefit of the group. There is no need to ask about times because ALL times here are to be stated in GMT only.
Commencement Day:
Immediate - Times of trading: You can trade whenever you choose and can trade as often or as little as you want and when you mention any start finish times ALWAYS state it in GMT.
To find the Top 3 Auto strategies for each News, Market Open and Daily Trading.
The finalists will be chosen based on their 1) Trade Explorer Information and 2) Thread contributions.
The finals competitors will be chosen after trading with a new Standard Demo account with a broker of their choosing, Investment $500, 1:500 Leverage and will be evaluated at the end of the Finals Month (Month To Be Decided). The decision of the final winner is final however it may be determined that there is a winner in each category, if so the final winner of each category will receive the Final Winner as below.
Final Winner:
The final winner will then be invited to manage a Live Account where they will benefit from a share of the profits. There will be an investment amount of $500 available for trading and as soon as the account reaches $1000, the $500 will be withdrawn and the account will continue until such time that either the winner does not want to continue or the thread contributors by majority of 75% vote to close the account and split the profits on the following basis: 50% - winner / 50% even distributed between the thread contributors, then the account will be closed.
Yes, I will repeat it ... 50% split divided between all other qualifying thread contributors with their share paid directly into their own live trading account or via P@yP@1 to their email address - no other method is available.
To be eligible for the Competition you must provide the EA used, the template and .set files used in your published result and also set-up a Trade Explorer applicable to this thread.
The longer and greater your contribution the greater your probability of being accepted to compete.
Obviously as the Trade Explorer is used in the evaluation process it must only contain trading applicable to this thread FIFO News, Market Open & Daily Strategies.
Please, if you are not prepared to play by the rules (non negotiable) do not start; this competition is privately funded; it is not funded by some multi-million dollar broker so do not think this of this thread as a free ride, as you already know life does not work that way.
Disclaimer Risk Warning:
Trading Derivatives carries a high level of risk to your capital and you should only trade with money you can afford to lose. Trading Derivatives may not be suitable for all investors, so please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved, and seek independent advice if necessary prior to proceeding further.
If you do not agree to the above there are plenty of other threads on Forex Factory and we wish you every success.
Important: Please check regularly the Members links below for updates, e.g. FerruFX ( - FxMadness ( - xmess7 (
It is very easy to be distracted with using other resources but many people may not know how to use them so at this stage please restrict your use of resource to the following:
FerruFX (
Place the files below into the MT4 Indicators folder
Attached File(s)
Attached File(s)
FxMadness (
Note: 1) FxMadness does not change the FXM__Diff3 file name with new updates so ensure you track that date of your last download.
xmess7 ( Use the link ( to check for update versions.
If you can demonstrate that other resources will bring significant benefit to the end goal, please PM, it is only a distraction if you mention it it in the thread.
If you intend setting up multiple templates it may be easier to re-name the EA to something like xm7_CCFp_WTM (as in the graphic/template below), the reason is that each time xmess7 updates his EA and if you have it loaded on multiple templates, by copying and renaming the latest version to xm7_CCFp_WTM (or similar) it will automatically update all versions in all templates when it is refreshed. Simply put the new version in your Experts folder and refresh/restart your MT4.
One aspect of trading that sometimes causes confusion and is very important for setting correctly in the EA is GMT Time ( (please bookmark)
All the best and I wish you every success

Attached Image
When you are successful perhaps give a thought to others ... Kiva dot org