From supply and demand to price patterns to correlation to pretty much everything that's needs to be learned is here, FOR FREE, use it. Don't fall for systems !
EIP: Everything In Price (PIE) 16 replies
Everything to Nothing to get Everything? 7 replies
Price Is Everything - Lets Focus on Price and Swings 17 replies
Price is Everything (Long Term and Semi-Auto Edition) 26 replies
Everything You Wanted To Know About Electronic Trading, by Linda Bradford Raschke 0 replies
DislikedWhen I was looking at the chart above this morning I didn't notice it hadn't updated. Now that the chart is up to date we can see that A was hit. {image}Ignored
Disliked{quote} Buyers and sellers are what moves the markets. All the rest misses the mark. Those factors are hindsight. Open, high, low, close are real. S/D is not real. Where to place S/D is debatable. If S/D was real why would any reasonable trader buy/sell at the "wrong" time?Ignored
DislikedThe correct context of S/D is often misunderstood and thus applied incorrectly. The S/D zones is usually the Price Mean Zones and most importantly there is a inflexion level of which if it is breached will reverse the prevailing trend thus creating a new S/D zones or Price Mean Zones with a new inflexion level. Understanding this context is imperative to be successful in this business.I would personally recommended more precise MA which is numerically measurable thus making PA easier to trade with greater precision. Good luck and trade well. GSIgnored
Disliked{quote} what you said makes sense with respect to S/D and traders buying at the wrong time. But what are you suggesting as a method to trade then? Whats pertinent to know to make a buck in the market?Ignored
DislikedFrom supply and demand to price patterns to correlation to pretty much everything that's needs to be learned is here, FOR FREE, use it. Don't fall for systems ! {image}Ignored