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Luck has no place in trading. Leave that for the poker table.
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Moving Average Colored High / Low 19 replies
Simple Moving Average Vs. Moving Average? 8 replies
Does Moving average actually act as moving S/R ?? 20 replies
How to get daily high and low of a moving average? 12 replies
Kalman Filter - New Moving Average 0 replies
Disliked{quote} Here is an update on my long positions on the YM and the NQ https://www.forexfactory.com/showthr...5#post11965115Ignored
Disliked{quote} Friday I got out of my long trades. Apparently too early. What can I say... hindsight is 50/50 ha ha ha I rode the Dow Bull market up for 4 weeks and a day. Though i must say... I did see a lot of my fellow traders that I chat with outside of the Forex Factory website get burned many times trying to short the market because they didn't pay attention to the higher time frames. Next week I think it might try to go up a bit more.. I will keep my eyes on price behavior to look for potential short opportunities. If the bulls are still showing...Ignored