Charting Markets into the Future...MǎҖ€¥.

Received warning email from broker - Greek/EU 11 replies
Warning broker cheats and plays games during big news! 19 replies
Warning Big Time Broker Cheats!!!! 3 replies
What are the Broker Warning Signs? 3 replies
Quoting truccoDislikedMerlin, Saxo did today on demo, and probably also in real, because I did it on demo today as in last period I dont trust them anymore.
Happened in Real other times in last period...
So, is a case there is no liquid market anymore, or something else is behind this ?
No conspiracy theory Merlin , just reality.....Ignored
Quoting BurgerKingDislikedMy frustration is not SLIPPAGE but the way they waited 2 full miutes to enter my trade when they have full grasp that price wont go up any further.Ignored
Quoting merlinDislikedtrucco, do you think saxo is trying to rip you off on a demo account? LOL
you are just not understanding how the market works. you get filled at the next best price on market orders, period.
when you make statements like this you are telling everyone "hey, im a newbie!". youll never hear advanced traders complaining about such issues, broker complaints come from inexperienced traders because they lack the market understanding. did you read the thread i suggested?Ignored
Quoting BurgerKingDislikedMy frustration is not SLIPPAGE but the way they waited 2 full miutes to enter my trade when they have full grasp that price wont go up any further.Ignored
Quoting ZedHashPipDislikedExactly! Like I mentioned earlier same thing happened to me at FXCM. Only difference is that it took them about 3 minutes. They leave you little choice as to how to react in those cases. If I get to see the order immediately as it is filled I wouldn't be "whining". It's all about being consistent and fair.
I complained to them about it and I got a call from someone from the audit committee. They tried to blame the market conditions, but in the end they admitted that because I'm on manual execution someone approves my trades and that the delay and requote may be caused because of this. Afterwards they offered me a refund. Was I happy? No not really because I knew they wouldn't just give me money if I were at fault. They did something which I was not supposed to know. I know we are both in this for the money, but at least keep it fair!
And guess what happenens afterwards. Currently my entry orders get filled within 10 seconds as by magic. Why the sudden change? Right, because I let them know I am no fool. Currently they are e-mailing and calling me every week to consider a switch to Propfx which should be more suited to my trading style...
I know that this sounds crazy... Why would they prey on little guys like me? All I ask is transparency and a fair execution of my orders no more and no less. I, and anyone else for that matter, do not deserve the treament described above. There is no reason for them to make me wait 3 minutes for an order to get filled. It's suspicious even if the market conditions are exceptional and all they did was by the book.
I may be inexperienced (only a few month in this business so yes I am inexperienced), but I'm no fool.Ignored
Quoting ZedHashPipDislikedAfterwards they offered me a refund.Ignored
Quoting squat1962DislikedYou're on manual execution and you are trying to scalp news with this broker and you're surprised you did not make money? I am shocked they offered you a refund though, will they really pay it. Who is this broker.?... I want to give them a serious look as a backup broker.
Being with a broker who has you on manual execution is similar to dating a girl who "just wants to be friends"............... you are never gonna "get any" (in your case, money)...... I recommend you get a new girlfriend, i mean, broker. If you scalp at warp speeds you will need a very special girlfriend, er broker, to maintain a relationship that lasts any significant length of time.
happy trading.Ignored
Quoting BurgerKingDislikedWOW! FXCM even offered a refund. I asked GFT to negate the trade and they said "NO WAY!" literrally!
Lucky you are now placed back on automated trade.
FXCM: 2 Stars
GFT: 2 FartsIgnored
Quoting ZedHashPipDislikedLike I already mentioned numerous times I'm with FXCM and yes they did refund me €750 and called it a good faith adjustment. They didn't just give it to me on a silver plate though. I had to fight for it. It took me 15 minutes on the phone and several live chat sessions. And who says I'm not succesful. I'm with them for 4 months now and I'm very profitable. If you're interested in numbers I'll consider giving them.Ignored
Quoting BurgerKingDislikedhey ZED!
If you so managed to get the refund, and got back to automated trade, you no longer need to find other brokers! FXCM is now playing their cards fairly with you now!Ignored