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Is There Another Way To Daytrade Besides Forex? 0 replies
Don't daytrade the London/NY session? 15 replies
Why even daytrade? 21 replies
daytrade emini S&P Leverage question 2 replies
Daytrade EA 1 reply
Disliked{quote} I know coders ego is so big sometimes. Maybe your ego dont let you see far...Ignored
Disliked{quote} I got absolutely no ego. 33 Years of coding experience started in 80's on commodore 64 at age 13 coding compression algorithms and intros in assembler. All I'm doing here is to introduce the language to you guys here, and to actually polish the OOP with some ideas from here 10++; years of tradingIgnored
Disliked{quote} And? I have 25 years experience and I'm not writing about I created an "Event Driven Object Oriented Trading language". Its funny because MQL5 is same. In the best case you made a framework but call that language is so much optimistic. Anyway I will save your time. Nobody will use it here. Its my experience in this forum... PD: Linkers::X->theNextBigThing ( evidently this is not big ego )...Ignored
Disliked{quote} Could I? Yes, but I'd have to make a shi@#y hack with multidimensional arrays and the code would be 10x longer and 10x more unreadable without any performance boost, that's the point.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Yeah. Sort the spreads with ArraySort, then convert the symbol list + spread into array with strings. And in the end compare the strings with StringCompare.... this will work. For 25 symbols the average computation time = 1350 ms vs 115ms with oop. But in reality all we need in this case is a HLPL function like this: SymbolName(i,true,SORT_BY_SPREAD); Life can be so simple...Ignored
# this code will compile and execute on MQL4, 5 NinjaScript, cAlgo, ACSIL SierraChart #include<LinkersX.mqh> struct spread1 { double spread; xString symbol; }; xSort<spread1> sorted1; xQueue<sorted1> sortedQueue; sorted1.add(spread1); // add spread to sorted list //autosort goes on during every insert sorted1.add(spread1); // add sanother spred1 struct to tlist sorted1.shiftRight(1); // shift right sort container sortedQueue.push(sorted1); // push sorted1 into the queue // Linkers::X->andThatsIt;
Disliked{quote} # this code will compile and execute on MQL4, 5 NinjaScript, cAlgo, ACSIL SierraChart struct spread1 { double spread; xString symbol; }' xSort<spread1> sorted1; xQueue<sorted1> sortedQueue; sorted1.add(spread1); // add spread to sorted list //autosort goes on during every insert sorted1.add(spread1); // add sanother spred1 struct to tlist sorted1.shiftRight(1); // shift right sort container sortedQueue.push(sorted1); // Linkers::X->andThatsIt;Ignored
Disliked{quote} You mean to say that this code will work once your code is up and people have linked to the DLL right? Just wanted to check and make sure.Ignored
Disliked{quote} That'S correct; just #include<LinkersX.mqh> and you can compile it on MQL5 and execute it on brainBoss beloved MetaTrader 5 and that's exactly the bigger picture here ;-))))))Ignored
Disliked{quote} And? I have 25 years experience and I'm not writing about I created an "Event Driven Object Oriented Trading language". Its funny because MQL5 is same. In the best case you made a framework but call that language is so much optimistic. Anyway I will save your time. Nobody will use it here. Its my experience in this forum... PD: Linkers::X->theNextBigThing ( evidently this is not big ego )...Ignored
//sending the sorted queue container to brainBosses computer with Linkers:X installed // his MetaTrader 5 will do something with it... sortedQueue.message("";
Disliked{quote} //sending the sorted queue container to brainBosses computer with Linkers:X installed // his MetaTrader 5 will do something with it... sortedQueue.message("";Ignored
sortedQueue.addMongo(BSON); i just wrote container as BSON to MongoDB sortedQueue.addMongo(JSON); i just wrote container as JSON to MongoDB
Disliked{quote} //sending the sorted queue container to brainBosses computer with Linkers:X installed // his MetaTrader 5 will do something with it... sortedQueue.message(""; sortedQueue.addMongo(); i just wrote container as BSON to MongoDBIgnored
//----------------------------------------------- // CLASE ( OBJECT ) //----------------------------------------------- public: CLASS$DEFTX( CLASS$MODEDEFAULT, Object, LITERAL( class LISTENER = Listener, class KLASS = Object< LISTENER, DEFAULT > ), CLASS$EXTEND( public, os::kernel, LITERAL( Socket::Object ) ) ) //----------------------------------------------- // TYPEDEFS //----------------------------------------------- //private private: typedef lang::Error CError; private: typedef lang::Exception CException; private: typedef core::Metrics CMetrics; private: typedef lang::Bits CLBits; private: typedef lang::Object CLObject; private: typedef core::list::Fifo ALFifo; private: typedef core::math::Math CMMath; private: typedef core::memory::Buffer CMBuffer; private: typedef core::type::Array CTArray; private: typedef core::type::Map ATMap; private: typedef core::type::String CTString; private: typedef os::io::socket::Server OISServer; private: typedef os::io::socket::Server::Poll OISServerPoll; private: typedef os::kernel::Handle OKHandle; private: typedef os::kernel::Signal OKSignal; private: typedef os::kernel::Socket OKSocket; private: typedef os::kernel::Socket::Object OKSocketObject; private: typedef os::kernel::Synchronization OKSynchronization; private: typedef os::kernel::Synchronization::Wait OKWait; //protected protected: typedef sockaddr_in AddrIPV4; protected: typedef sockaddr_in6 AddrIPV6; //----------------------------------------------- // SIMBOLOS //----------------------------------------------- //private private: SYMBOL uint32 DEFAULTBUFFER = CMetrics::Mb( 4 ); private: SYMBOL uint32 DEFAULTEVENTS = 1000; private: SYMBOL uint32 DEFAULTQUEUE = 10; //protected protected: SYMBOL uint32 EVENT$_CONNECT = 0x01; protected: SYMBOL uint32 EVENT$_PARSE = 0x02; protected: SYMBOL uint32 EVENTIN = EPOLLIN; protected: SYMBOL uint32 EVENTPRIORITY = EPOLLPRI; protected: SYMBOL uint32 EVENTOUT = EPOLLOUT; protected: SYMBOL uint32 EVENTERROR = EPOLLERR; protected: SYMBOL uint32 EVENTEXIT = EPOLLHUP; //public public: SYMBOL uint8 GET$_EVENTS = 0x01; public: SYMBOL uint8 GET$_QUEUE = 0x02; public: SYMBOL uint8 SET$_EVENTS = 0x01; public: SYMBOL uint8 SET$_QUEUE = 0x02; public: SYMBOL uint8 SET$_THREADS = 0x04; public: SYMBOL uint8 SET$_TIMEOUT = 0x05; //----------------------------------------------- // VARIABLES //----------------------------------------------- //private private: OKSignal * signals; private: uint32 bufferSize; private: uint32 events; private: uint32 queue; private: uint16 threads; private: ALFifo::Dynamic< CMBuffer::Object< uint32 >, CMBuffer::Object< uint32 > * > eventsQueue; private: ATMap::Dynamic< uint32, CMBuffer::View< uint32 >, CMBuffer::View< uint32 > * > pending; //protected protected: OISServerPoll * poll;
DislikedWhat are the problems with the existing MQL4 and MQL5 that you would like to solve? Are these them, in order of importance?: 1.) Lack of Events and eventing system (?) 2.) Speed 3.) Use with other tools like databases. 4.) "Networking" with others/other programs? IE what this would do: sortedQueue.message(""; Are you doing this because you think MQL is not event driven, too slow, and not networked enough?Ignored
xMarketReplay replay1; xTime replayBegin; // download tick data and store it in Linkers::X time line of events format on the disk // files are lzma compressed format replay1.loadHystory(20170101, 20171231); replayBegin(xTimeNowMS()); replayBegin -= Month(12); replay1.replay(replayBegin, "hey BrainBoss, here is the replay of the FOMC from friday morning;)", HTML5);
Disliked{quote} xMarketReplay replay1; xTime replayBegin; // download tick data and store it in Linkers::X time line of events format on the disk // files are lzma compressed format replay1.loadHystory(20170101, 20171231); replayBegin(xTimeNowMS()); replayBegin -= Month(12); replay1.replay(replayBegin, "hey BrainBoss, here is the replay of the FOMC from friday morning", HTML5);Ignored
replay1.mongoDB(BSON); //i just wrote container as BSON to MongoDB replay1.mongoDB(JSON); //i just wrote container as JSON to MongoDB //write container as JSON as file to c://LinkersX/json.txt s replay1.file("c://LinkersX/json.txt", JSON); // of course BSON is excripted
Disliked{quote} I prefer use my own C++ non blocking server implementation with my own DB in linux. Its a performance and security reason. As I explained before I dont need teach nobody they must use... PD: This is a partial server header...Ignored
//# xTwitter tweet1; xString text1; tweet1.username("LinkersX"); tweet1.password("123456789"); text1("hey brainBoss, here's fridays FOMC replay"); //tweet text1 and replay1 object as replaying HTML5 chart!!!! tweet1.tweet(text1, replay1);
Disliked{quote} xTwitter tweet1; xString text1; tweet1.username("LinkersX"); tweet1.password("123456789"); text1("hey brainBoss, here's fridays FOMC replay"); //tweet text1 and replay1 object as replaying HTML5 chart!!!! tweet1.tweet(text1, replay1);Ignored
Disliked{quote} Do you already have the ability to do things like this? Haha. Or is this what you are planning on adding as you code from January on?Ignored
Disliked{quote} Do you already have the ability to do things like this? Haha. Or is this what you are planning on adding as you code from January on?Ignored