Disliked{quote} I see that you joined the forum August 2016 so you are fairly new, so let me explain to you what happens, he posts an insane trading statement like we hve seen, and he makes it seem like its a live account but in truth its a demo(like he has already done) then he makes a thread to get atention(like he has done) he makes himself seem like he is a very knowledgeable person in the field of forex( like he has already done), then noobs come across his thread and think "OMF! this guy is really doing it" and then they P.M him either asking for...Ignored
ok, good to know.. was actually "looking up to him", even tho i trade my own style, but more as a goal to have and strive for.. 1mill$ in 5 months :O!
Thanks for the heads up!