Why do I trade? Is it to be rich? Do I trade as a hobby? Do I love it? do I hate it?
These questions I've asked myself now for over 11 years. Forex trading has been an expensive venture for me. Back in my first 2 years of trading I lost $30k. I almost went bankrupt because I was naive and greedy. I now have been profitable for over 15 months. Is forex trading harmful? I've seen a countless amount of people lose everything and more trading. Why do we put ourselves threw all of this just for a chance at the profitable 5% club?
What are your dreams and goals in trading? Are they realistic? Are we wasting time? I wanted to open this up to everyone to see if we can get a good discussion on why you trade and why it's beneficial.
Trading is beneficial for me because I love it. I've always loved it even when I was losing. It may have been more of an addiction early on though.I did not like the stress involved but eventually I realized I was stressed because I was risking to much while trading. I trade for a living now. It took me 10 years to get there. It's been worth it but I wish I did things WAY different. If we're still trying to find our way when does trading start to become unhealthy?
My wife hated trading so much. I lost so much and almost lost her. I just about took trading over her. This would have been a huge mistake. Things got bad. I was trading when she wasn't looking and lying about it. I was caught a few times when I thought I was being secretive. It almost felt like I had a porn problem and getting caught in the act. I think she would have liked me being addicted to porn instead! Eventually I stopped trading entirely for about a year. I would still think about it and strategies but I did uninstall all my charts. I gradually came back into trading with a different mindset. I didn't live trade till years later. Long story short....Eventually I started making consistent profit and my wife jumped on board. She was skeptical for months though. I went threw more hard times before I found my way but I do feel like I was one of the lucky few to finally make it.
Don't let your life fall apart like mine almost did all in the name of forex. Realize how important demo trading is and that 1-5% profit per month is VERY difficult but normal to achieve.
What about you guys? Any stories you want to share? Good/difficult times? Have you made it? Still trying to find your way? Lets talk
So many good things have been said here to help people on there journey of thinking in a different way.
Now lets talk a bit about why 95% of people lose in trading.
What are the biggest mistakes that are made? Why do only 5% of traders profit? What needs to change and how can this number grow?
These questions I've asked myself now for over 11 years. Forex trading has been an expensive venture for me. Back in my first 2 years of trading I lost $30k. I almost went bankrupt because I was naive and greedy. I now have been profitable for over 15 months. Is forex trading harmful? I've seen a countless amount of people lose everything and more trading. Why do we put ourselves threw all of this just for a chance at the profitable 5% club?
What are your dreams and goals in trading? Are they realistic? Are we wasting time? I wanted to open this up to everyone to see if we can get a good discussion on why you trade and why it's beneficial.
Trading is beneficial for me because I love it. I've always loved it even when I was losing. It may have been more of an addiction early on though.I did not like the stress involved but eventually I realized I was stressed because I was risking to much while trading. I trade for a living now. It took me 10 years to get there. It's been worth it but I wish I did things WAY different. If we're still trying to find our way when does trading start to become unhealthy?
My wife hated trading so much. I lost so much and almost lost her. I just about took trading over her. This would have been a huge mistake. Things got bad. I was trading when she wasn't looking and lying about it. I was caught a few times when I thought I was being secretive. It almost felt like I had a porn problem and getting caught in the act. I think she would have liked me being addicted to porn instead! Eventually I stopped trading entirely for about a year. I would still think about it and strategies but I did uninstall all my charts. I gradually came back into trading with a different mindset. I didn't live trade till years later. Long story short....Eventually I started making consistent profit and my wife jumped on board. She was skeptical for months though. I went threw more hard times before I found my way but I do feel like I was one of the lucky few to finally make it.
Don't let your life fall apart like mine almost did all in the name of forex. Realize how important demo trading is and that 1-5% profit per month is VERY difficult but normal to achieve.
What about you guys? Any stories you want to share? Good/difficult times? Have you made it? Still trying to find your way? Lets talk

So many good things have been said here to help people on there journey of thinking in a different way.
Now lets talk a bit about why 95% of people lose in trading.
What are the biggest mistakes that are made? Why do only 5% of traders profit? What needs to change and how can this number grow?