Can anybody out there write programs for the GFT Dealbook? The language is called CTL. Also, does anybody else use this platform?
Thanks, JIM
Thanks, JIM
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Quoting jimylandDislikedCan anybody out there write programs for the GFT Dealbook? The language is called CTL. Also, does anybody else use this platform?
Thanks, JIMIgnored
Quoting PipexDislikedJIM,
I use to write programs for Dealbook when GFT was my broker. I still remember some things ... what do u need? Maybe I can help.
I found Dealbook to be very good and GFT to be a good broker. I only reason I left them was because I wanted to trade mini accounts, so I had to switch brokers.
Happy Trading ....Ignored
Quoting jimylandDislikedWell I'm glad that there are other Dealbook users here (I never see it mentioned), and that you're having the same positive experience as myself.
I'm thinking about 2 things. On the simple side; a S & R levels indicator like I recently read about on this forum for MT4. I run a MT4 platform, not for trading, just to try out all the " gee whiz" stuff that I see here. The S & R levels for it works well.
On the more complex side I'd like to have a system that given certain parameters would either give a visual or audio (alarm) signal. What do you think?
indicator Hull_Moving_Average; // HMA = WMA(2*WMA(Price, integer(Period/2)) - WMA(Price, Period), Integer(SQRT(Period))) input price = close, period = 25, displacement = 0; draw line("HULL"); begin line := displace(wma(2*wma(price, int(period/2)) - wma(price, period), int(SQRT(period))), displacement); end.
indicator pivot; input phigh=1,plow=1,pclose=1; draw p("P"),s1("S1"),s2("S2"),s3("S3"),r1("R1"),r2("R2"),r3("R3"); vars i(number),step(number); begin p := sma(close,2); for i:= front(p) to back(p) do begin p[i] := (phigh+plow+pclose)/3; s1[i] := p[i]*2-phigh; r1[i] := p[i]*2-plow; s2[i] := p[i]+(phigh-plow); r2[i] := p[i]-(phigh-plow); s3[i] := p[i]*2 - ((phigh*2)-plow); r3[i] := p[i]*2 + (phigh-(2*plow)); end; end.
Quoting PipexDislikedOpps ... I meant micro mini ..... When they were my broker, they didn't have micro mini accounts available .....Ignored
indicator ZLStochastics; input price = close, period = 8, k_slow_period = 3, d_slow_period = 3, hi_baseline = 80, lo_baseline = 20; draw line_k("Zero Lag Stoch %K"), line_d("Zero Lag Stoch %D"), line_hi("HI Base"), line_lo("LO Base"); vars k(series), i(number), lo(number), dif(number), mma1(series), mma2(series), mma3(series), mma4(series), diff(series), diff2(series); begin line_hi := makeseries(front(close), back(close), hi_baseline); line_lo := makeseries(front(close), back(close), lo_baseline); for i := front(price) + period - 1 to back(price) do begin lo := movmin(low, i, period); dif := movmax(high, i, period) - lo; if dif > 0 then k[i] := 100 * (price[i] - lo) / dif else k[i] := 0; end; mma1 := mma(k, k_slow_period); mma2 := mma(mma1, k_slow_period); diff := mma1 - mma2; line_k := mma1 + diff; mma3 := mma(line_k, d_slow_period); mma4 := mma(mma3, d_slow_period); diff2 := mma3 - mma4; line_d := mma3 + diff2; end.
Quoting jimylandDislikedHey Witchazel,
I forgot to ask; what is Hull Moving Average and JMA? I might be incompetent, but I'm slow.