This thread is now more of a workpad....
egoli55..... download this collection of indies and put template file in your template folder. hope it helps in some way
into experts.
Playing with a variation on the Clive/Devon method. Lots of thanks to these guys for helping steer me in the right direction. I dont want to steer their thread off-course whilst i play with a slightly different set-up and entry.
Heres a trade i just took on DAX for +30pips
#Price needs to be at extreme. (Been beyond 5min bands)
#CCI candle colour change.CCI Candle must not pass middle line or it is not valid. Middle line colour must be same as direction of trade or blue at time of entry. (TMA repaints a lot).
#Exit at opposite 1min outer band. #Exit at outer 5min band for greater profit if feeling confident.
This is work in progress. Indicators here if you want them. Handy store cupboard for me should my computer die.
egoli55..... download this collection of indies and put template file in your template folder. hope it helps in some way
into experts.
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Playing with a variation on the Clive/Devon method. Lots of thanks to these guys for helping steer me in the right direction. I dont want to steer their thread off-course whilst i play with a slightly different set-up and entry.
Heres a trade i just took on DAX for +30pips
#Price needs to be at extreme. (Been beyond 5min bands)
#CCI candle colour change.CCI Candle must not pass middle line or it is not valid. Middle line colour must be same as direction of trade or blue at time of entry. (TMA repaints a lot).
#Exit at opposite 1min outer band. #Exit at outer 5min band for greater profit if feeling confident.
This is work in progress. Indicators here if you want them. Handy store cupboard for me should my computer die.
Attached File(s)
Attached File(s)