Ok here is the deal. From everything I have been taught in my short tenure as a Forex Wizzard, divergence like this is suposed to portend a change in direction. (MrWhipple glances up to consult the Auguries) I have been getting my clock cleaned for the past couple of days looking for this anticipated downdraft. This mornings upswing was all news to be sure, and I should have cought that, but I ran out of Pepsi at midnite, and I wasn't paying attention.
The bottom line is this... Is it just me or is anybody else confused.
Just an idea but as noted on the chart with the arrows, did the cable just switch to a new channel.
The bottom line is this... Is it just me or is anybody else confused.
Just an idea but as noted on the chart with the arrows, did the cable just switch to a new channel.
Attached Image
Nolite dormiens pungere ursum. -- Latan Proverb.