DislikedBefore I get confused, were you saying the first time around that you thought I was making a bad trade on this one?Ignored
- | Joined Sep 2007 | Status: London | 187 Posts
Be like a post stamp! Stick to it until you get there!
Can shorting and instrument drive up its price? 3 replies
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DislikedBefore I get confused, were you saying the first time around that you thought I was making a bad trade on this one?Ignored
DislikedBy no means The Jedi. I certainly respect that we all have different trading approaches. I was answering a comment made by Leugimp in which he equalled a profitable trade with a good trade, to which I disagreed, just as I disagree with a non-profitable trade equals to a bad trade.Ignored
Disliked... just as I disagree with a non-profitable trade equals to a bad trade.Ignored
For a relative example, I day trade breakouts. I have filters set up for various variables like price envelope size and time filters. But no matter how refined I may try and make the filters, there will always be days where price just barely tips off my trigger and retreats all the way back to my stop loss after pushing 3 pips in my favor. It's just gonna happen. It happened this week as a matter of fact. Was it a "bad" trade? No.....Ignored