DislikedBrokers, specially market markers, are like the house when you go to a casino.... open an account with the minimum deposit, trade during a few months and when you double up your account, withdraw all the money, if they don't give your money back, you will know that they are a scam... Don't show all your cards in the first hand. .Ignored
I think in general, it's about being a savvy investor. Being savvy means spread your risk.
You've given some GREAT advice. I hear people complain about brokers all the time. Sometimes it's the trader (greed) too. So I try to take it all with a grain of salt.
Your method will be my litmus test when using FX brokers for the first time (anywhere). It just makes sense. I'm just grateul that we can trade with brokerage firms in different countries. That's a priviledge in itself!