Disliked{quote} (There are a few variations. This is one.) When I see somebody else's buy stop (for instance), I (usually in confederation with other like-minded counterparties) will pay up "in size" until the stops are filled, and then close off our longs just as quickly. Note that in all cases, retail trader stops are not even glints in our collective eyes i.e. we only trade with institutionals and OUR market prices are transmitted to the retail world. If retail trader stops get killed as a result of what we did, it's just collateral damage.Ignored
- Joined Oct 2007 | Status: Former institutional dogsbody | 1,253 Posts
I'm not trying to convince anyone. I'm not in the "convincing" business.
- Joined Oct 2007 | Status: Former institutional dogsbody | 1,253 Posts
I'm not trying to convince anyone. I'm not in the "convincing" business.
- Joined Oct 2007 | Status: Former institutional dogsbody | 1,253 Posts
I'm not trying to convince anyone. I'm not in the "convincing" business.