I will post some trades in spot and binary options with good possibilities to win. I hope it will usefull. I start journey to big money. This will take too much time and it will looooong journey, but it doesnt matter. Sometimes and somewhere it has to start 
I have to say big THANK YOU eitan1010 and other trades who are good and give me other view on the market. On this FF is a lot of good stuff and traders who are good but there is too much mess and nonsens. I tried to choose and follow them and show what can be good and you can have better view n the markets and prices with FOREX SPOT and BINARY OPTIONS.

I have to say big THANK YOU eitan1010 and other trades who are good and give me other view on the market. On this FF is a lot of good stuff and traders who are good but there is too much mess and nonsens. I tried to choose and follow them and show what can be good and you can have better view n the markets and prices with FOREX SPOT and BINARY OPTIONS.