Disliked{quote} The random generated charts which look close to real, where momentum seems to play parts is due to the pseudo randomness of computers, which can't generate truely random numbers. Well the C64's could, they used there sound SID Chip and actually had REAL random numbers, everyone else had to use a seed and therefore Psuedo. See they've found a C64 like way using some other external variable, nice, used to be based on Time before. Set Dragon 32's Timer to 0 and same line load a game ( Timer stopped while loading ) and get the same security...Ignored
But i found many articles on the net where you can generate random numbers on your own, for example if you have a microphone you can let it record your room default noise, and then use a decibel filter to split the sound file into 2 pieces and the mean of the volume will be the half point, and if the noise is louder then =1 if its softer then 0.
Or the CPU clock rate is somewhat random too.
But to simulate a chart you must use true random numbers since pseudo random's will repeat after a given time, and we know that in the market there are no identical deja vu segments so, anyhow the market is constructed, if its random, it must be a true random sequence
"There's a sucker born every minute" - P.T. Barnum