Gyva's answer is not foriegn to me. Shades of Dirk Du Toit. I have to agree with the premise but whew! It is indeed Bold. I don't know if I have the constitution for that.
At one time there was a thread here at FF, which discussed Du Toit's E-Book: "Bird Watching in Lion Country".
It was very intriguing. Someone got the bright idea, I'm sure in the purests of intentions, to "offer" Du Toit's E-book (@ $95 USD) for "free" by email or PM or some such.........
Dirk Du Toit himself, interjected the thread at this point, extremely hostile that FF members had stolen his intellectual property. He was right, however very ungentlemanly, in his ascertions that "everyone" at FF was tainted and that FF was purely a "den of thieves". I'm sure all FF members who know what a clean tight ship Merlin Jeffries runs, were enfuriated. I was too! I however declined to opine......others did not........
This valuable, and thought provoking thread exponentially degenerated into a pee pee fight over who has the right to download what and when........ and what is on the net is free because everybody does it .........and no it's not because I wrote the book......... Till finally, all threads and references to BWILC vanished from this forum. I guess Merlin had to.
Such a shame.
[SIDEBAR NOTE: I have my own beliefs in intellectual property rights and the laws which govern the distribution of such, and will act accordingly. I will not try and convince anyone of my stance.......this is not what this forum is about. Surfice it to say, with the advent of the "information super highway", that paradoxical shifts have taken place in the info market arena and that the protection apparatusses of intellectual property, known prior to this paradigm shift, will go the way of the buggy whip.<<<<(Run on Sentence)
The growing pains from this type of paradox always divides the populace until cooler heads prevail and the system stablizes.
Lets rise above this squabling and discuss the trading aspects of this e-book on the merits of Dr. Du Toit's work.] make a short story long...... I purchased Du Toit's book from him and found it to be well worth the pricetag even though I do not trade his system.
I walked away with several points that have stuck with me such as Dutoits explaination of "Market Noise", the synergy between techs and fundies and of course, his approach to stoploss.
Other things made less sense to me. All in all, possibly the most avant-garde treatise on spot forex I have read to date. (In my limited sphere of experience).
Now way back when, I forget who it was, but a few folks were demoing at least a version of Du Toit's system the main focus was a lack of stoploss and alowing positions to "breath" several hundred pips out of the money. I would like very much to know how that journey turned out or if it is still in progress.
I addition, in a discussion with a prominent member of this forum, he had said that upon his first view of the Vegas Wealth Builder indicators, he immediately thought of "Bird Hunting in Lion Country".... This has been wieghing heavyy on my thoughts ever since!
So lets open this up for discussion, if there are any takers.
And please no posting of copyrighted materials.
At one time there was a thread here at FF, which discussed Du Toit's E-Book: "Bird Watching in Lion Country".
It was very intriguing. Someone got the bright idea, I'm sure in the purests of intentions, to "offer" Du Toit's E-book (@ $95 USD) for "free" by email or PM or some such.........
Dirk Du Toit himself, interjected the thread at this point, extremely hostile that FF members had stolen his intellectual property. He was right, however very ungentlemanly, in his ascertions that "everyone" at FF was tainted and that FF was purely a "den of thieves". I'm sure all FF members who know what a clean tight ship Merlin Jeffries runs, were enfuriated. I was too! I however declined to opine......others did not........
This valuable, and thought provoking thread exponentially degenerated into a pee pee fight over who has the right to download what and when........ and what is on the net is free because everybody does it .........and no it's not because I wrote the book......... Till finally, all threads and references to BWILC vanished from this forum. I guess Merlin had to.
Such a shame.
[SIDEBAR NOTE: I have my own beliefs in intellectual property rights and the laws which govern the distribution of such, and will act accordingly. I will not try and convince anyone of my stance.......this is not what this forum is about. Surfice it to say, with the advent of the "information super highway", that paradoxical shifts have taken place in the info market arena and that the protection apparatusses of intellectual property, known prior to this paradigm shift, will go the way of the buggy whip.<<<<(Run on Sentence)
The growing pains from this type of paradox always divides the populace until cooler heads prevail and the system stablizes.
Lets rise above this squabling and discuss the trading aspects of this e-book on the merits of Dr. Du Toit's work.] make a short story long...... I purchased Du Toit's book from him and found it to be well worth the pricetag even though I do not trade his system.
I walked away with several points that have stuck with me such as Dutoits explaination of "Market Noise", the synergy between techs and fundies and of course, his approach to stoploss.
Other things made less sense to me. All in all, possibly the most avant-garde treatise on spot forex I have read to date. (In my limited sphere of experience).
Now way back when, I forget who it was, but a few folks were demoing at least a version of Du Toit's system the main focus was a lack of stoploss and alowing positions to "breath" several hundred pips out of the money. I would like very much to know how that journey turned out or if it is still in progress.
I addition, in a discussion with a prominent member of this forum, he had said that upon his first view of the Vegas Wealth Builder indicators, he immediately thought of "Bird Hunting in Lion Country".... This has been wieghing heavyy on my thoughts ever since!
So lets open this up for discussion, if there are any takers.
And please no posting of copyrighted materials.
HeavyJ -"Posterboy for Spellchecker!"
"Will work for pips!"