When MT4 first came out it had a speach function which they quickly
removed for some reason or another. There is a dll file that was created
5-6 years ago but did not get any usage, dont know if it stills works or not.
What I have created any executable that uses microsofts COM objects
"Component Object Model", to re-introduce a speach function into MT.
This can leed to meny other posibilities, like having MT communicate
directly with other programs like Microsoft Excell, enbedding a whole
lot of other capabilities. using COM objects and ActiveX objects.
there is an executable file located in the zip file, if you do not trust me
then dont run it. If you what to run it you must install it in your main
MT directory, it will not function in any other directory as MT will not
find it nor did I have any other knowledge of any ones directory structure
except the main MT directory.
Before you use it you have to double click it (after you put it in the MT
directory) to get a list of voice files located on your machine and to
set up the files. The attached pic is the list on my machine.
These 3 files are standard on all MS software sence XP.
There will be a script file in your script folder named 'Test Script' that has
examples of how to code it to run the program all you need to do to attach
it to your code is to add the include file named "speach funtions.mqh"
(sorry I misspelled it) to any code that you want that includes indicators
EAs and scripts. This program will not block your code from running as the
programs runs in its own thread in the back ground.
To late to explain this any more theres some notes in the include
file that explains more. This can make adding voice alerts to indicators
and EAs real easy.
edit[ new version to be posted sometime this week ]
removed for some reason or another. There is a dll file that was created
5-6 years ago but did not get any usage, dont know if it stills works or not.
What I have created any executable that uses microsofts COM objects
"Component Object Model", to re-introduce a speach function into MT.
This can leed to meny other posibilities, like having MT communicate
directly with other programs like Microsoft Excell, enbedding a whole
lot of other capabilities. using COM objects and ActiveX objects.
there is an executable file located in the zip file, if you do not trust me
then dont run it. If you what to run it you must install it in your main
MT directory, it will not function in any other directory as MT will not
find it nor did I have any other knowledge of any ones directory structure
except the main MT directory.
Before you use it you have to double click it (after you put it in the MT
directory) to get a list of voice files located on your machine and to
set up the files. The attached pic is the list on my machine.
These 3 files are standard on all MS software sence XP.
There will be a script file in your script folder named 'Test Script' that has
examples of how to code it to run the program all you need to do to attach
it to your code is to add the include file named "speach funtions.mqh"
(sorry I misspelled it) to any code that you want that includes indicators
EAs and scripts. This program will not block your code from running as the
programs runs in its own thread in the back ground.
To late to explain this any more theres some notes in the include
file that explains more. This can make adding voice alerts to indicators
and EAs real easy.
edit[ new version to be posted sometime this week ]
Attached Image
Attached File(s)
Trader Keit ... Methods Of A Dirt Road Mad Man....