If you are a forex author or trader and would like to contribute an article to this forum, please contact the editor at [i][email protected][/i].
Welcome to the Forex Articles Index!
All readers are welcome to continue the discussion of each article from the end of each piece. Please make sure that all comments, questions and suggestions are relevant to the topic in question.
All authors will be invited to join and discuss their submissions where possible but in their absence feel free to discuss amongst yourselves about what they've written.
Quoting articles
Some of these articles are quite long and can take up valuable screen and thread space if you choose to quote them entirely.
What would be more helpful if when doing so is to just extract the section you wish to respond to. You could highlight in bold the parts you like and either respond outside it, or within the extract. Make sure your extract is large enough to encompass the context of the meaning from the original author (although this can be a matter of opinion at times).
Any other methods you can come up with instead of quoting whole articles are fine as well. There might be some moderation at times if quoting whole articles without a specific response to it's contents in order to speed up the reading process.
Getting Started
45 Ways to Avoid Losing Money Trading FOREX, by Jimmy Young
A Beginners Guide to Spread Betting
A Good Trader Is Not Born That Way
A New Trader's Journey to Success
An introduction to spread betting
Back to Dow Theory....The Simplest Trading Method, by Thomas Chadwick
Basic Trading Concepts Tutorial
Be Careful, Someone Wants Your Money
Beware of Websites Selling Commodity Trading Systems
Building a Good Foundation - Lessons from Mister Bill, by Linda
Complete Trader's Corner, by Sam Shenker
Creating Your Own Trading System : A View From the Outside In
Currency Trading: Understanding the Basics of Currency Trading
Develop a System that Fits You, by Dr Van K. Tharp
Developing the "Holy Grail" Trading System
Do A Thorough Self-Evaluation Before You Start Trading, by Dr. Van K Tharp
Essential Elements of a Successful Trader, by Jimmy Young
Foreign exchange market, from Wikipedia
Forex Scams, from Wikipedia
Forex Scams: How to Spot Them a Mile Away
Forex Stop Hunting - What is it?
Forex Training: What to Look for in a Forex Training Program
Fundamentals for Traders Tutorial
Hardware Guide for Trading
How Can I Learn Trading?
How To Correctly Identify The Trend
How to Handle a Losing Streak (everyone has them)
Interest Rates: An Introduction
Main Drawbacks Of A Forex Trader
Money Management, by Joe Ross
PC Security – Preventative Measures
Planning: A Key to Successful Trading, by Joe Ross
Putting Together a Business Plan, by Linda Raschke
Sophisticated or Naive Investors?
Strategy:10, by Rob Booker
System Development Secrets
Ten New Trader Pitfalls
The Components of Trading Well, by Dr. Van K Tharp
The Evolution of a Trader
The Search for the Holy Grail
The System Behind the System, by Merlin Jeffries
The Value of Coaching And The Difficulty in Finding One
Tips for Trading the Major Currency Pairs
The Six Forces of Forex
The Spot Market
Trading Basics: Concepts and Psychology
Trading for a Living
Trading with a Strategy
Traits of Top Traders/Investors, by Dr. Van K Tharp
What is Expectancy?
What Moves Rates?
Why Brokers Can't Help You Trade
Why Paper Trading Is Counter Productive
A Self-Help Crash Course for Traders
A Short Memory Is A Trader's Best Friend
Achieve Balance in Your Trading/Investing, by Dr Van K. Tharp
Adapt or Die!
Addictive Trading
Approaching Trading With an Empty Mind
Becoming Your Own Trading Coach
Behavioural Economics for Traders
Being Right and Making Money Are Not Equivalent, by Dr. Van K Tharp
Changing Your Self Talk By Talking to Yourself
Commitment, by Dr. Van K Tharp
Controlling Emotions is Not the Goal of Trading Psychology
Dead But Dreaming
Destructive Patterns in Trading
Discretionary Traders - Don't Talk About Your Open Positions
Does Failure Motivate You? by Dr Van K. Tharp
Don’t Deny Reality, by Joe Ross
Discipline in Meeting Your Goals, by Dr Van K. Tharp
Discipline, Mental Skills and the Psychology of Trading
Empower Yourself, by Dr. Van K Tharp
Enjoy the Obstacles, by Dr. Van K Tharp
Experience, by Joe Ross
Expose Yourself! A Powerful Technique for Breaking Emotional Patterns in Trading
Finding the Zone: New Perspectives on the Mental Game of Trading
Herding Behavior in War and the Markets
Hot Risk, Frozen Trader
How Experts Make Decisions Under Uncertainty
How Stress Can Ruin Your Trading
How to Take a Loss
Improving Your Trading Performance: The Single Most Important
Step You Can Take
Keeping Some Fire Power In Reserve
Know When to Really Bet Your Hand, by Dr. Van K Tharp
Knowing Where to Tap
Learn to "Dissociate", by Dr. Van K Tharp
Learning to Trade: The Psychology of Expertise
Mad Money ... Mad Market?
Maintain Your Mindset, by Linda Bradford Raschke
Make Friends with Your Inner Interpreter, by Dr. Van K Tharp
Mental Fitness for Traders Series
Mr Spock. on Trading, by Rob Booker
No Requirements to Be Happy
Overcoming a Stuck State of Mind, by Dr. Van K Tharp
Personal Responsibility, by Dr. Van K Tharp
Some Trading Observations from Dr. Brett Steenbarger
Start Trading: Throw Those Excuses Out the Window
Stress and Coping in the Financial Markets
Stretching Life to the Next Level of Success
Sun Tzu and Trading
Taking Control, by Chuck LeBeau
The Emotional Dynamics of Trading
The Left Side of the Quadrant, by Dr. Van K Tharp
The Mental Aspect of Trading, by Linda Bradford Raschke
The Miracle of Discipline, by Rob Booker
The Right Side of the Quadrant, by Dr. Van K Tharp
The Rule-Governed Trader: A Psychological Perspective
To Think or not to Think: The Trader’s Dilemma
Trade What You Know and Know What You Trade
Trader Self-Evaluation, by Dr. Van K Tharp
Trading as Mental Warfare
Trading and Ego
What Are Your Excuses? by Dr. Van K Tharp
What's Your Trading Blood Type?
Why Traders Lose Their Discipline
Money/Risk/Trade Management
Employing Protective Stops to Manage Your Trades
Frequency of Trading is Critical, by Chuck LeBeau
How Is a 'Stop-Loss' Order Different in Forex?
Importance of Exits, by Chuck LeBeau
Leverage in Forex
Making Sense of FX Broker Stop Loss Policy, By Jimmy Young
Mark Cook on How to Lose Money Profitably
Money Management
Money Management, by Joe Ross
Placing Better Stops in Forex Trading
Planning: A Key to Successful Trading, by Joe Ross
Pyramiding: A Risky Strategy
Pyramiding – When and When Not to Do it
Rollovers in Forex
Some Practical Thoughts About Money Management , by Chuck LeBeau
Start Thinking In Terms of Risk-Reward, by Dr Van K. Tharp
Stop Loss - Q&A
Stop placement
The Money Management Exit, by Chuck LeBeau
Trade Selection, by Joe Ross
Trading Techniques
Trading Tips from Joe Ross
Trailing Stops, by Chuck LeBeau
What is Expectancy?
Why Use Multiple Exits? by Chuck LeBeau
A Crosspair Worth Watching - the EURGBP
Calendar Yen Trading Patterns
CHF, EUR and GBP Calendar Trading Patterns
Focus on the Loonie
Guide to the Most Popular Crosses
Measuring Correlation Between FX Pairs
Tips for Trading the Major Currency Pairs
What are the best times to trade for individual currency pairs?, by Kathy Lien
Technical Analysis
5 Tricks of Trend Trading, by Rob Booker
Another Look at Dow Theories
Back to Dow Theory....The Simplest Trading Method, by Thomas Chadwick
Capturing Trend Days, by Linda Bradford Raschke
Fibonacci numbers and their relevance to forex, by MTi Europe
How To Correctly Identify The Trend
How to Read a Chart & Act Effectively, by Jimmy Young
Identifying Budding Trends with Bollinger Bands
Key Features for Shaping a Forex Day Trade
Know Yourself, Know Your Setup, by Boris Schlossberg
Playing the Breakout Trade
The Dow Theory: A History
Trading the Opening Gap
The Market is always Technical
The Morality of Trading
Trading the Non Farm Payroll Report Like a Savage Pip Fiend, by Rob Booker
Trading Breakouts in FX market, by Sam Shenker
Advanced Topics
Advanced Trade Management
Circuit Breakers and Program Trading Limits
Commitments of Traders: What are the Big Boys Up To?
Currency Trading and Exchange Rate Dynamics
Does a Large Minimum Price Variation Encourage Order Exposure?
Economics of Best Execution
Every Trading System Can Be Described By the R-multiples It Generates, by Dr Van Tharp
Federal Reserve Open Market Operations
Market Microstructure 1 & 2
Optimal Dynamic Order Submission Strategies
Order Exposure and Parisitic Traders
Zero Sum Game
Other topics
133 TRADING TIPS. by AK Forex
5 Rules to Trade or Die By
A career in the City
Achieving Trading Perfection, by Joe Ross
A Day in the Life of a Trader
An Introduction to the Fixed Income Market
Article in Trading Game Newsletter - good read
Automated Trading
Commodity Futures Trading - What's your edge?
Contesting the Accepted View of Bernanke
Evaluating Your Money Manager
Everything You Wanted To Know About Electronic Trading, by Linda Bradford Raschke
Experts, Novices, and Trading Performance
Forex Trading: Incorporating Price Behavior into a Forex Trading System
How To Work Around A Market Maker's Tricks
Insider Trading
Introduction to Level 2
Is It Bullish When the Market 'Ignores Bad News'?
Is it possible to forecast future Forex movements?
Is there any orders in the markets? by Joe Ross
It’s our job to trade "Futures" not "Histories", by Joe Ross
Joe Ross / When Not To Trade FX (http://www.forexfactory.com/images/misc/multipage.gif 1 2)
Making Trading Journals Work for You
Managing Option Directional Trades
Market 'Noise': How Seasoned Traders Learn to Ignore It
Neural Networks: Myths And Reality
Nuggets of Wisdom from Jesse Livermore, Greatest Trader Ever
Odds and Edge - Probabilities in Day Trading
Performance, Fortune,& the U.S. President
Playing the odds: Options Trading with the 'House' Advantage
Product Review: VantagePoint Software
Reading Order Flow
Salesmen, Statistics and Survivors
Seven Big Things Professors Won’t Teach You (But You Should Know)
So You Want to Write a Market Blog?
Start Trading Real Money Early
Tape Reading, by Linda Bradford Raschke
Test Realized vs. Unrealized Returns
The "House" Buys Stocks: What's Wrong With That?
The "Not So Simple" Rules of Trading
The Flow of the Markets, by Dr. Van K Tharp
The Importance of Trading Time Frame Assessment
The Magic of Compounding
The Music of Forex
The Pitfalls Of Cycle Trading
The Secret of Reduced Market Spreads, by Joe Ross
The Spouse of a Trader: What Makes Marriage Work
The Way To Trade Forex, by Jay Lakhani
The Yield Curve
Those Darn Market Makers
Time Tested Classic Trading Rules for the Modern Trader to Live By, by Linda Raschke
Trade the Markets, by John Carter
Trade Using News: 5 Most Watched Indicators
Trading Arcades
Trading Messages From Mars, by Chuck LeBeau
Using Contrary Opinion in Trading Markets
W.D. Gann Article - From 1909 Issue of The Ticker & Investment Digest
Why Having a Mission Statement Behind Your Trading is so Critical to Your Success
Wit and Wisdom of Wall Street
Welcome to the Forex Articles Index!
All readers are welcome to continue the discussion of each article from the end of each piece. Please make sure that all comments, questions and suggestions are relevant to the topic in question.
All authors will be invited to join and discuss their submissions where possible but in their absence feel free to discuss amongst yourselves about what they've written.
Quoting articles
Some of these articles are quite long and can take up valuable screen and thread space if you choose to quote them entirely.
What would be more helpful if when doing so is to just extract the section you wish to respond to. You could highlight in bold the parts you like and either respond outside it, or within the extract. Make sure your extract is large enough to encompass the context of the meaning from the original author (although this can be a matter of opinion at times).
Any other methods you can come up with instead of quoting whole articles are fine as well. There might be some moderation at times if quoting whole articles without a specific response to it's contents in order to speed up the reading process.
Getting Started
45 Ways to Avoid Losing Money Trading FOREX, by Jimmy Young
A Beginners Guide to Spread Betting
A Good Trader Is Not Born That Way
A New Trader's Journey to Success
An introduction to spread betting
Back to Dow Theory....The Simplest Trading Method, by Thomas Chadwick
Basic Trading Concepts Tutorial
Be Careful, Someone Wants Your Money
Beware of Websites Selling Commodity Trading Systems
Building a Good Foundation - Lessons from Mister Bill, by Linda
Complete Trader's Corner, by Sam Shenker
Creating Your Own Trading System : A View From the Outside In
Currency Trading: Understanding the Basics of Currency Trading
Develop a System that Fits You, by Dr Van K. Tharp
Developing the "Holy Grail" Trading System
Do A Thorough Self-Evaluation Before You Start Trading, by Dr. Van K Tharp
Essential Elements of a Successful Trader, by Jimmy Young
Foreign exchange market, from Wikipedia
Forex Scams, from Wikipedia
Forex Scams: How to Spot Them a Mile Away
Forex Stop Hunting - What is it?
Forex Training: What to Look for in a Forex Training Program
Fundamentals for Traders Tutorial
Hardware Guide for Trading
How Can I Learn Trading?
How To Correctly Identify The Trend
How to Handle a Losing Streak (everyone has them)
Interest Rates: An Introduction
Main Drawbacks Of A Forex Trader
Money Management, by Joe Ross
PC Security – Preventative Measures
Planning: A Key to Successful Trading, by Joe Ross
Putting Together a Business Plan, by Linda Raschke
Sophisticated or Naive Investors?
Strategy:10, by Rob Booker
System Development Secrets
Ten New Trader Pitfalls
The Components of Trading Well, by Dr. Van K Tharp
The Evolution of a Trader
The Search for the Holy Grail
The System Behind the System, by Merlin Jeffries
The Value of Coaching And The Difficulty in Finding One
Tips for Trading the Major Currency Pairs
The Six Forces of Forex
The Spot Market
Trading Basics: Concepts and Psychology
Trading for a Living
Trading with a Strategy
Traits of Top Traders/Investors, by Dr. Van K Tharp
What is Expectancy?
What Moves Rates?
Why Brokers Can't Help You Trade
Why Paper Trading Is Counter Productive
A Self-Help Crash Course for Traders
A Short Memory Is A Trader's Best Friend
Achieve Balance in Your Trading/Investing, by Dr Van K. Tharp
Adapt or Die!
Addictive Trading
Approaching Trading With an Empty Mind
Becoming Your Own Trading Coach
Behavioural Economics for Traders
Being Right and Making Money Are Not Equivalent, by Dr. Van K Tharp
Changing Your Self Talk By Talking to Yourself
Commitment, by Dr. Van K Tharp
Controlling Emotions is Not the Goal of Trading Psychology
Dead But Dreaming
Destructive Patterns in Trading
Discretionary Traders - Don't Talk About Your Open Positions
Does Failure Motivate You? by Dr Van K. Tharp
Don’t Deny Reality, by Joe Ross
Discipline in Meeting Your Goals, by Dr Van K. Tharp
Discipline, Mental Skills and the Psychology of Trading
Empower Yourself, by Dr. Van K Tharp
Enjoy the Obstacles, by Dr. Van K Tharp
Experience, by Joe Ross
Expose Yourself! A Powerful Technique for Breaking Emotional Patterns in Trading
Finding the Zone: New Perspectives on the Mental Game of Trading
Herding Behavior in War and the Markets
Hot Risk, Frozen Trader
How Experts Make Decisions Under Uncertainty
How Stress Can Ruin Your Trading
How to Take a Loss
Improving Your Trading Performance: The Single Most Important
Step You Can Take
Keeping Some Fire Power In Reserve
Know When to Really Bet Your Hand, by Dr. Van K Tharp
Knowing Where to Tap
Learn to "Dissociate", by Dr. Van K Tharp
Learning to Trade: The Psychology of Expertise
Mad Money ... Mad Market?
Maintain Your Mindset, by Linda Bradford Raschke
Make Friends with Your Inner Interpreter, by Dr. Van K Tharp
Mental Fitness for Traders Series
Mr Spock. on Trading, by Rob Booker
No Requirements to Be Happy
Overcoming a Stuck State of Mind, by Dr. Van K Tharp
Personal Responsibility, by Dr. Van K Tharp
Some Trading Observations from Dr. Brett Steenbarger
Start Trading: Throw Those Excuses Out the Window
Stress and Coping in the Financial Markets
Stretching Life to the Next Level of Success
Sun Tzu and Trading
Taking Control, by Chuck LeBeau
The Emotional Dynamics of Trading
The Left Side of the Quadrant, by Dr. Van K Tharp
The Mental Aspect of Trading, by Linda Bradford Raschke
The Miracle of Discipline, by Rob Booker
The Right Side of the Quadrant, by Dr. Van K Tharp
The Rule-Governed Trader: A Psychological Perspective
To Think or not to Think: The Trader’s Dilemma
Trade What You Know and Know What You Trade
Trader Self-Evaluation, by Dr. Van K Tharp
Trading as Mental Warfare
Trading and Ego
What Are Your Excuses? by Dr. Van K Tharp
What's Your Trading Blood Type?
Why Traders Lose Their Discipline
Money/Risk/Trade Management
Employing Protective Stops to Manage Your Trades
Frequency of Trading is Critical, by Chuck LeBeau
How Is a 'Stop-Loss' Order Different in Forex?
Importance of Exits, by Chuck LeBeau
Leverage in Forex
Making Sense of FX Broker Stop Loss Policy, By Jimmy Young
Mark Cook on How to Lose Money Profitably
Money Management
Money Management, by Joe Ross
Placing Better Stops in Forex Trading
Planning: A Key to Successful Trading, by Joe Ross
Pyramiding: A Risky Strategy
Pyramiding – When and When Not to Do it
Rollovers in Forex
Some Practical Thoughts About Money Management , by Chuck LeBeau
Start Thinking In Terms of Risk-Reward, by Dr Van K. Tharp
Stop Loss - Q&A
Stop placement
The Money Management Exit, by Chuck LeBeau
Trade Selection, by Joe Ross
Trading Techniques
Trading Tips from Joe Ross
Trailing Stops, by Chuck LeBeau
What is Expectancy?
Why Use Multiple Exits? by Chuck LeBeau
A Crosspair Worth Watching - the EURGBP
Calendar Yen Trading Patterns
CHF, EUR and GBP Calendar Trading Patterns
Focus on the Loonie
Guide to the Most Popular Crosses
Measuring Correlation Between FX Pairs
Tips for Trading the Major Currency Pairs
What are the best times to trade for individual currency pairs?, by Kathy Lien
Technical Analysis
5 Tricks of Trend Trading, by Rob Booker
Another Look at Dow Theories
Back to Dow Theory....The Simplest Trading Method, by Thomas Chadwick
Capturing Trend Days, by Linda Bradford Raschke
Fibonacci numbers and their relevance to forex, by MTi Europe
How To Correctly Identify The Trend
How to Read a Chart & Act Effectively, by Jimmy Young
Identifying Budding Trends with Bollinger Bands
Key Features for Shaping a Forex Day Trade
Know Yourself, Know Your Setup, by Boris Schlossberg
Playing the Breakout Trade
The Dow Theory: A History
Trading the Opening Gap
The Market is always Technical
The Morality of Trading
Trading the Non Farm Payroll Report Like a Savage Pip Fiend, by Rob Booker
Trading Breakouts in FX market, by Sam Shenker
Advanced Topics
Advanced Trade Management
Circuit Breakers and Program Trading Limits
Commitments of Traders: What are the Big Boys Up To?
Currency Trading and Exchange Rate Dynamics
Does a Large Minimum Price Variation Encourage Order Exposure?
Economics of Best Execution
Every Trading System Can Be Described By the R-multiples It Generates, by Dr Van Tharp
Federal Reserve Open Market Operations
Market Microstructure 1 & 2
Optimal Dynamic Order Submission Strategies
Order Exposure and Parisitic Traders
Zero Sum Game
Other topics
133 TRADING TIPS. by AK Forex
5 Rules to Trade or Die By
A career in the City
Achieving Trading Perfection, by Joe Ross
A Day in the Life of a Trader
An Introduction to the Fixed Income Market
Article in Trading Game Newsletter - good read
Automated Trading
Commodity Futures Trading - What's your edge?
Contesting the Accepted View of Bernanke
Evaluating Your Money Manager
Everything You Wanted To Know About Electronic Trading, by Linda Bradford Raschke
Experts, Novices, and Trading Performance
Forex Trading: Incorporating Price Behavior into a Forex Trading System
How To Work Around A Market Maker's Tricks
Insider Trading
Introduction to Level 2
Is It Bullish When the Market 'Ignores Bad News'?
Is it possible to forecast future Forex movements?
Is there any orders in the markets? by Joe Ross
It’s our job to trade "Futures" not "Histories", by Joe Ross
Joe Ross / When Not To Trade FX (http://www.forexfactory.com/images/misc/multipage.gif 1 2)
Making Trading Journals Work for You
Managing Option Directional Trades
Market 'Noise': How Seasoned Traders Learn to Ignore It
Neural Networks: Myths And Reality
Nuggets of Wisdom from Jesse Livermore, Greatest Trader Ever
Odds and Edge - Probabilities in Day Trading
Performance, Fortune,& the U.S. President
Playing the odds: Options Trading with the 'House' Advantage
Product Review: VantagePoint Software
Reading Order Flow
Salesmen, Statistics and Survivors
Seven Big Things Professors Won’t Teach You (But You Should Know)
So You Want to Write a Market Blog?
Start Trading Real Money Early
Tape Reading, by Linda Bradford Raschke
Test Realized vs. Unrealized Returns
The "House" Buys Stocks: What's Wrong With That?
The "Not So Simple" Rules of Trading
The Flow of the Markets, by Dr. Van K Tharp
The Importance of Trading Time Frame Assessment
The Magic of Compounding
The Music of Forex
The Pitfalls Of Cycle Trading
The Secret of Reduced Market Spreads, by Joe Ross
The Spouse of a Trader: What Makes Marriage Work
The Way To Trade Forex, by Jay Lakhani
The Yield Curve
Those Darn Market Makers
Time Tested Classic Trading Rules for the Modern Trader to Live By, by Linda Raschke
Trade the Markets, by John Carter
Trade Using News: 5 Most Watched Indicators
Trading Arcades
Trading Messages From Mars, by Chuck LeBeau
Using Contrary Opinion in Trading Markets
W.D. Gann Article - From 1909 Issue of The Ticker & Investment Digest
Why Having a Mission Statement Behind Your Trading is so Critical to Your Success
Wit and Wisdom of Wall Street