Could You reccomend me a broker that offers commodity/stock ETFs with low commision?
Could You reccomend me a broker that offers commodity/stock ETFs with low commision?
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DislikedHow often are you trading?
If you're gonna day trade, taking multiple positions and exiting by day's end, then Interactive Brokers is a good option.
If you're only buying once or twice a month, or quarter... IB's fees for data and such might not be worth the commission break, and you'd be better off with a discount broker that's more aimed at retail clients.
That being said, unless you describe your trading (how frequent, size, execution type, on/off margin, etc..) it's hard to recommend a broker.Ignored
DislikedAlso, this should be in the Stocks and Commodities forum, not under Broker Discussion (despite the name, this is for FX brokers only.)Ignored
Actually, I'm going to start trading ETFs, I haven't traded them so far.
I'm a currency trader and I would like to invest my savings (about 10k $)into some commodity/stock ETF for a longer time period so it would be rather single transations (once a month or even less).Ignored
DislikedYeah, Interactive Brokers is aimed at active traders. They charge much less on commissions per trade, but they have monthly fees for data, and inactivity fees of you don't do enough transactions each month. They also pass on exchange fees to you, so while your stock trade might only be a few bucks, you might get his for taking liquidity from an exchange for ~0.0030 a share.
You might be better off comparing the online discount brokers (scottrade, optionshouse, etrade, etc...) since they don't usually charge for monthly data on their basic web...Ignored