I've seen lots of articles and news saying that if Greece leaves Eurozone it will affect all EU, but none of them explained how. How bankrupcy or leaving Eurozone of 11 mln country that has poor industry and lives of tourists can affect rest of us?
The way I see it is the biggest problems will have Greece, as they will have to print their own money, plus noone will borrow them money anomore.
It may also encourage South European countries to leave Eurozone as well
plus EU will loose reputation on international arena if they allow this to happen.
Plus export-improt statistics may change a bit
But what will be financial consequence for rest of EU? what will be financial consequence of it for John from London who works as driver, or Hans from Bonn, Adele from Paris, Tomek from Warsaw? will it affect normal people's life?
will it be as bad as 2008-2009?
The way I see it is the biggest problems will have Greece, as they will have to print their own money, plus noone will borrow them money anomore.
It may also encourage South European countries to leave Eurozone as well
plus EU will loose reputation on international arena if they allow this to happen.
Plus export-improt statistics may change a bit
But what will be financial consequence for rest of EU? what will be financial consequence of it for John from London who works as driver, or Hans from Bonn, Adele from Paris, Tomek from Warsaw? will it affect normal people's life?
will it be as bad as 2008-2009?
On my way to financial independence - if others can do it - I can do it