I think that I reached a certain important point in my trading education. I think the moment I had two months ago was like god appearing to me as burning bush!!!
The moment I talk about is that moment when you realize that systems are mostly useless, indicators all lag and price is king! I started to use trends, support/resistance, fibonacci, breakouts etc. This is in fact the most basic form of trading we all start with, but then we loose all that basic stuff along the way in search of the holy grail. It's such a good feeling when it's back!
Now I'm just using some common MA's as dynamic support and resistances, draw my fibs, ranges and channels en trade the breakouts. With a little help from doji's, hammers etc this is working very very well!
Now this stage is completed in the course of mastering forex, I can move on to implementing and perfecting my money management system.
Never again MA crossovers for me , ever!!!!
The moment I talk about is that moment when you realize that systems are mostly useless, indicators all lag and price is king! I started to use trends, support/resistance, fibonacci, breakouts etc. This is in fact the most basic form of trading we all start with, but then we loose all that basic stuff along the way in search of the holy grail. It's such a good feeling when it's back!
Now I'm just using some common MA's as dynamic support and resistances, draw my fibs, ranges and channels en trade the breakouts. With a little help from doji's, hammers etc this is working very very well!
Now this stage is completed in the course of mastering forex, I can move on to implementing and perfecting my money management system.
Never again MA crossovers for me , ever!!!!