Hi there.
I was wondering if anyone knows how I can Read/Write to a .csv file but to a specific column and row for example E5 , C7 , A1 ...
I have attached the document that I use to calculate my strategy and I want to automate the process. The EA needs to post certain values like High , low , Extry , Exit ... Attached I have the document I use to Calculate everything and hilighted in red are the fields that I want to edit with an EA.
Thank you so much.
I was wondering if anyone knows how I can Read/Write to a .csv file but to a specific column and row for example E5 , C7 , A1 ...
I have attached the document that I use to calculate my strategy and I want to automate the process. The EA needs to post certain values like High , low , Extry , Exit ... Attached I have the document I use to Calculate everything and hilighted in red are the fields that I want to edit with an EA.
Thank you so much.