The worst thing I can be is the same as everybody else. I hate that.

Credible brokers? 31 replies
What makes a track record credible for Trading Firms? 0 replies
any credible broker with credit/card deposit in euro? 4 replies
DislikedJust a quick report from the Private Forum. I've been there over a year and I've never seen so many new faces popping up.
Keep it up J16 haters! We grow strong on your bile!Ignored
Dislikedwhat do you mean by 'we' ? what's in it for you if more naives and blind people join PF ? (if that's indeed the case).Ignored
Dislikedwhat do you mean by 'we' ? what's in it for you if more naives and blind people join PF ? (if that's indeed the case).Ignored
Dislikedgreat job reppin the j16 private group mate
resorting to 12 year old cusses on FF. sheesh
p.s. .. ES and YM? Wrong forum mate!
as u love pics so much..
DislikedYes the reply was indeed childish, although it was only in response to an unprovoked remark of some crudity. I thought it best to respond in the vein established by you, to ensure that my answer didn't sail over the top of your head.
If you do not wish to receive crudity, I suggest you refrain from offering it to others.
I was not aware that the discussion of futures was verboten here. The existence of threads such as this:, entitled "Questions Regarding Futures", rather makes...Ignored
DislikedLOL wtf, I didn't ask for an essay mate!
Only word I read was 'unprovoked', which is funny because I didn't read your posts then, and neither have I now. I simply saw the estranged pics you were posting, which were huge signs of a renowned idiot
DislikedPoor twat.
formal If you are estranged from your family or friends then you have seriously argued with them and are no longer friendly with themIgnored
DislikedThank you for your considered reply. I confess I still fail to see how you used the word appropriately. Perhaps you might consider a fuller explanation? If not I think we can take it that your idiocy is established satisfactorily.
By the way, you did well to retrieve that quote from the link, especially given the fact that you don't even read my posts.Ignored
DislikedI read that cz it was shorter.
Am beginning to see you're too dumb to understand, perhaps the reason why you need to blindly defend the private group too, after all you signed up to learn something but are still just as clueless!
So I'll explain - estranged as in your attitude is an obvious deterrent to any friends you may or may not have ever made in your entire life. Thus, currently, you pathetic loner.Ignored
DislikedDo try to calm down. You have been bested by a superior intellect - it is not a pleasant experience, I grant you, but you would do better if you attempted to learn to learn from it. Your increasingly angry and shrill replies merely serve to make you look more and more foolish.
I think it fair to say that one cannot reasonably draw the conclusion that I am a "pathetic loner" from the pictures that I posted, and so I will pass swiftly over that.
I must however insist that your use of the word "estranged" was in fact entirely wrong, not to...Ignored
Dislikedperhaps the reason why you need to blindly defend the private group too,Ignored
DislikedNah, too long again... you forget that I actually trade instead of forming essays to troll forums like yourselfIgnored
DislikedAh Sim! You have been told many things today - if only you could open your mind and profit by them!
Jim wants to help you. I want to help you. Let go of your bitterness, forget your dismal failures of today, and learn.
Perhaps if your trading skills were not deficient, you would not feel such hatred towards the world.Ignored