I like using the EA builder at http://sufx.core.t3-ism.net/ExpertAdvisorBuilder/ and I note that he has 19,000 members - but he stopped providing support years ago.
I want to change some general things in all the EA's I make using the tool. I am sure many hundreds of frustrated users would like to know how to modify Expert Advisor Builder's code as well.
I'd like to know how to;
A) enable micro-lot trades, as by default it only allows mini-lots.
B) enable 1 trade per bar, and to externally set a maximum number of trades.
C) enable money management - eg, externally set the % of free margin to use to calculate lot sizes.
D) enable moving a stop to break-even + 2 pips after hitting a set number of pips in profit.
E) enable to never close trades unless they are in profit.
I have attached the standard template the site produces before logic/strategy used.
If someone could take the time to add the 5 items above, many of us could use your new template for all EAs we build from that site.
Fingers crossed someone can help,
I like using the EA builder at http://sufx.core.t3-ism.net/ExpertAdvisorBuilder/ and I note that he has 19,000 members - but he stopped providing support years ago.
I want to change some general things in all the EA's I make using the tool. I am sure many hundreds of frustrated users would like to know how to modify Expert Advisor Builder's code as well.
I'd like to know how to;
A) enable micro-lot trades, as by default it only allows mini-lots.
B) enable 1 trade per bar, and to externally set a maximum number of trades.
C) enable money management - eg, externally set the % of free margin to use to calculate lot sizes.
D) enable moving a stop to break-even + 2 pips after hitting a set number of pips in profit.
E) enable to never close trades unless they are in profit.
I have attached the standard template the site produces before logic/strategy used.
If someone could take the time to add the 5 items above, many of us could use your new template for all EAs we build from that site.
Fingers crossed someone can help,
Attached File(s)