Dislikedwhat do you mean by "does Exness honour all trading profits by traders" ?
Funds were deducted from my acc when I filled the request for withdrawal. I waited for less than 1 hour to get funds only 3 times.Ignored

Dislikedwhat do you mean by "does Exness honour all trading profits by traders" ?
Funds were deducted from my acc when I filled the request for withdrawal. I waited for less than 1 hour to get funds only 3 times.Ignored
Dislikedhi suomi,pls elaborate abit on the Autowithdrawal? Have u gotten any issues with their withdrawal,i mean delayed withdrawal? or issue slike Re-quotes,slippages,frozen platform,widening of spreads during quite times? thanks!Ignored
DislikedHi fxking!
You asked about my experience with Exness withdrawal - I didnt have any delays Im lucky compared to SlovSo requotes is the next question - now its ok but at my trading beginning it was worser. Cos now the connection quality became beter and I do start using VPS - pretty useful. Also I do not use news trading strategy that is also influences on my slippages simultaneously. Result - no problem. Widening spreads in a quite time - no I didnt notice may be because I'm afraid on news
You're welcome!Ignored
Dislikedwhat abt the balance 17times,do u get your funds earlier than 1hr? some brokers out there r really a scam,either they 'alter' your profits figure or worst ,totally not honouring at all! Am i safely to say that u had a good overall experiences with Exness?Ignored
Dislikedi have a live mini acct with Exness and get 'Invalid prices' quite often esp when the market is moving quickly,what u guys?Ignored
Dislikedthanks for sharing suomi! pls bri it here,whether if u have a good or bad expereinces!Ignored