Manstir & Fellow M'sians
Many comments being made but I am hoping to find a solid / correct source about whether or not to pay tax for the income-profit generated from forex, until the "letter" posted here. Can you provide the contact info (email/tel) or whereabout of this officer Nazri? Thanks for your time.
Many comments being made but I am hoping to find a solid / correct source about whether or not to pay tax for the income-profit generated from forex, until the "letter" posted here. Can you provide the contact info (email/tel) or whereabout of this officer Nazri? Thanks for your time.
Dislikedno tax for FOREX or stockexchange outside malaysia, here is LHDN's staff reply me in email
Emel tuan adalah dirujuk.
Harap maklum bahawa mulai tahun 2004, pendapatan yang diperolehi dari
punca luar negara dan di bawa masuk ke Malaysia adalah tidak dikenakan
cukai kecuali pendapatan syarikat Malaysia dari
perniagaan perbankan, insuran dan pengangkutan udara dan laut.
Pengecualian ini telah ditetapkan di bawah perenggan 28, Jadual 6 Akta Cukai Pendapatan 1967.
Sekian, harap maklum.
Trade As A Sniper