Quantitative analysis. does anybody understands it?
Quantitative Technical Analysis 40 replies
Is there anyone using behaviour+quantitati ve Analysis ? 0 replies
applications using quantitative data on the NYSE 0 replies
DislikedYes I do understand the basic concept. Can't explain it though, because it would be wrong to tell you just the basic theory. There is a lot of material about it floating around though. Just google it and you will find good sources.
I also hit upon this idea a few days back. Gathered the data now I have asked some experts to work on it.
My suggestion either read enough about it or hire someone who understands it. Not child's play as I was told.
DislikedHey Constin do post your ideas here if you are going for it.....hopefully I did not scare you offIgnored
DislikedThere is a lot of stuff on internet on financial modeling. Since you are so interested in stochastic process, take a look here..