Need to set this up and check it with a few trades to see the results.Ignored
Price action trading with RENKO 190 replies
RENKO Trading SYSTEM - RENKO Indicators 7 replies
New Renko Bar and Reversal Renko Bar Indicator Alert Help Please 5 replies
Renko charts in the trading simulator 9 replies
Renko Trading Journal 28 replies
Need to set this up and check it with a few trades to see the results.Ignored
DislikedIt looks ok too me........you can turn of wicks in the RenkoLiveChart3.2 EA inputs if you want to.Ignored
DislikedJust take trades in the same direction as NonLagMa...
...you can see it keeps in the direction of the trend and takes out some whipsaws.......but settings still need to be played around with for diff renko pip sizes and pairs.Ignored
Dislikedhello cspip,
Do you find that Dxtrade info indi you have on your chart to be of much help & if so which one is it?
Does the ATR etc help?
DislikedBut I have another PC running same ea, which got different offline chart, this looks quite confuse to me. cspip, would you please share your renko m2 offline chart with me? I am using 5 pip range renko chart.Ignored
DislikedHas anyone tried or have any input to offer for trading just the Fractal signals off a renko chart either manually or using a EA. Screen short attached.
Thanks for all and any input.Ignored
Dislikedthat was a valid entry but to early since the market is in range. He enter after it broke out of that range. you got to take in consideration the size of MACD bar also they were very small and momentum was not on his side till than.
last night was fun night. got 200+. petar hoped you got crazy pip yesterday also! oh yeah....UsEastIgnored