I've been working on an EA for a while now. I built an indicator first and now I'm trying to incorporate that into an EA.
Here's the problem; the indicator displays a value that I am using to trade from. I've got the same lines of code in the EA in order to calculate the value in the EA, so the EA can use it. However, it's not exactly working as planned. It appears that the value calculated by the EA and the indicator are different.
QUESTION; how would I make an EA display (as text) an internal variable that it is calculating? I'd like to get a readout from the EA as to what it thinks value X is, so I can compare it to what my indicator is displaying. I've tried adding the standard object create lines but nothing is showing up.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
I've been working on an EA for a while now. I built an indicator first and now I'm trying to incorporate that into an EA.
Here's the problem; the indicator displays a value that I am using to trade from. I've got the same lines of code in the EA in order to calculate the value in the EA, so the EA can use it. However, it's not exactly working as planned. It appears that the value calculated by the EA and the indicator are different.
QUESTION; how would I make an EA display (as text) an internal variable that it is calculating? I'd like to get a readout from the EA as to what it thinks value X is, so I can compare it to what my indicator is displaying. I've tried adding the standard object create lines but nothing is showing up.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.