OK OK can anyone help?

I will code your pivot EAs for no charge 25 replies
I will code your scalping EAs for no charge 163 replies
Oanda MT4 - Indicators and EAs not showing 2 replies
EAs and indicators relating to moutaki... 22 replies
InterbankFX has loaded its MT4 platform with custom EAs, indicators and scripts 1 reply
DislikedHey Guys
Could someone tell me where I could get hold of an alert indicator with Email function when price close above or below the following indicator...
34EMA Low -- Indicator alerts once price close below the line -- Sell alert
34EMA High -- Indicator alerts once price close above the line -- Buy Alert
If you could let me know I would appreciate it.
I have some more Ideas on this for a EA, buy sell and TP.
Let me know if you are interested
DislikedHi GUys!
Anyone can help explain this? This should be easy for you. I think sometimes i am fool with easy code.
Why this statement 0.01>=0.01 is false?
Actually i get from this, my Minlot is 0.01
double Size=0.03;
double Size_In=0.02;
double b=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT);
bool YES=(Size-Size_In)>=b;
I read this from MT4 language ebook,
Two unnormalized floating-point numbers cannot be linked by == or != operations. That is why it is necessary to
subtract one from another, and the normalized...Ignored
DislikedThe answer is in the quote from the book.
If you looked at the number the same as the computer does, you would see the extra decimal digits that makes one number slightly different than another. The difference isn't great to round when the number is truncated for display. So your display format is 2 digits out of the 16? digits in a double.
The computer is never wrong.Ignored
DislikedGood Day,
I was looking for someone that could add an auto-trendline function to the ASI indicator. I have an RSI indicator which has the auto trendline and I've tried to copy the code over but it doesn't seem to work.
I wanted to have the lines drawn from a 2-3 bar pullback (possibly a setting?) and the trendlines would plot from the last higher high or last lower low to the current one. Attached are both the ASI indicator as well as the RSI-TL.
Thank you for any help in this matter.