
ECN && STP && Scalping && Hedging - Broker Review - Oct 2009 24 replies
Errors & Warnings From Old & New EAs After Compilation 12 replies
Require EA or Indi to buy/sell EURUSD & USDCHF simultaneously 0 replies
Cross Hedge EURUSD USDCHF 60 replies
EURUSD USDCHF Hedge Question 41 replies
And finally, the system uses an external website to calculate the TP and SL correctly. These settings change on a daily basis. If anyone tries to sell this EA or decompile it and change its name then i will simply close the website down and/or change the TP and SL settings.
DislikedImpressive coding. What if your website is down for some reason ? What will happen to the EA ? will it still trade ?Ignored
Dislikedcan u explain a bit about the lot size and how many open position will the EA maintain ?Ignored
DislikedThere will always be at least 2 open positions, 1 for EURUSD and 1 for USDCHF. And there will always be at least 2 pending orders for EURUSD and 2 pending orders for USDCHF.
I prefer to keep the lot size, TP and SL calculations a secret at this time.Ignored
Dislikedi guess we have to demo and see what it is doing. Maybe it will open 10 full lotIgnored
Dislikedi think sooner or later someone will ask this question. How long u have been using this system and can u show us some live/demo statement ?Ignored
Dislikedwill test it once market is open. it looks like u spend some real hard work on this EA [saw your other thread]Ignored
DislikedFirst of all....
I am fully aware of the pros/cons of trying to hedge EURUSD against USDCHF and as such do not need to be reminded of them. I use this system for live trading, so i am aware of its profits.
Lets begin...
1. Copy the Auto-Hedge-FX.ex4 to your MT4 experts folder.
2. Copy the Close All.ex4 to your MT4 script folder.
3. Copy the Correlation.ex4 to your MT4 indicator folder.
4. Load MT4
5. Open a weekly EURUSD chart.
6. Place the Correlation indicator on the chart.
7. Attach the Auto-Hedge-FX.ex4 making sure there is a smiley...Ignored
DislikedHi tokyomaster
Impressive results.
Just a question: as it's impossible to set , does your EA work with a 5 digit broker ?
DislikedHi TokyoMaster,
Thanks for the EA and indicator. I have loaded them as directed in your post #1. The EA is loaded OK (smiley face). It is showing the comment "Waiting for tick...". What does it mean? The market is now open.
In addition I had to change the Correlation indicator variable "OtherChart" from USDCHF to USDCHFFXF because the broker uses postfixes. I wonder if this is a problem for the EA.