Hello Guy's
Is it possible to have a 8-Hour's and yearly timeframe option in a timeframe bar?
if it is than how?
Is it possible to have a 8-Hour's and yearly timeframe option in a timeframe bar?
if it is than how?
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DislikedHello Guy's
Is it possible to have a 8-Hour's and yearly timeframe option in a timeframe bar?
if it is than how?
DislikedHey PipHacker,
Here is the answer to your question. Yes and yes (though not in the timeframe bar). As previously stated, Period_Converter is what you want--it's a great tool that converts standard time frames into custom ones. Anthonybaker some time ago gave very clear instructions, so here is what he said for converting a 5 min. into a 10 min. the same idea could be used for 4 hr to 8 hr:
You can use 'Period_converter.mq4' script to make nonstandard timeframes.
To make M10 period you should:
1. Open M5 chart.
2. Attach the 'Period_converter.mq4'...Ignored