Vucking good EA coder...

- Joined Jul 2011 | Status: Member | 8,337 Posts
If you trade like me, you'll be homeless and broke within a week.
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The bestlike strategies on Tradingview 0 replies
convert tradingview indicator to mt4 indicator 21 replies
TradingView's MACD 4C 13 replies
Any way to invert charts in TradingView? 3 replies
//@version=2 strategy("X", overlay=true, calc_on_order_fills= true, calc_on_every_tick=true, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value=15, pyramiding=0) dt = input(defval=0.0010, title="Decision Threshold", type=float, step=0.0001) keh=input(title="Wow",type=integer,defval=7, minval=1) che1=input(title="MA 1",type=integer,defval=34,minval=1) che2=input(title="MA 2",type=integer,defval=144,minval=1) che3=input(title="MA 3",type=integer,defval=377,minval=1) amnt=input(title="TP ($)",type=integer,defval=4200,minval=1) wma1=wma(close,che1) wma2=wma(close,che2) wma3=wma(close,che3) tms=10000000000000 A=security(tickerid, 'D', close)*tms B=security(tickerid, 'D', close[1])*tms C=A>B?green:red D=wma2>wma3?green:red plot(wma1,style=line,color=C,linewidth=4) p1=plot(wma2,style=line,color=D) p2=plot(wma3,style=line,color=D) fill(p1, p2, color=D, transp=75) n2ma=2*wma(close,round(keh/2)) nma=wma(close,keh) diff=n2ma-nma,sqn=round(sqrt(keh)) n2ma1=2*wma(close[2],round(keh/2)) nma1=wma(close[2],keh) diff1=n2ma1-nma1,sqn1=round(sqrt(keh)) n1=wma(diff,sqn)*tms n2=wma(diff1,sqn)*tms closelong = A*tms<B*tms and n2*tms>n1*tms and strategy.openprofit>amnt if (closelong) strategy.close("Long") closeshort = A*tms>B*tms and n1*tms>n2*tms and strategy.openprofit>amnt if (closeshort) strategy.close("Short") longCondition = A*tms>B*tms and n1*tms>n2*tms if (longCondition) strategy.entry("Long",strategy.long) shortCondition = A*tms<B*tms and n1*tms<n2*tms if (shortCondition) strategy.entry("Short",strategy.short)
DislikedWOW looks great , any chance get these indicator works on MT 4 , what time frame is that ? still loving the good old MT 4 cant move to other heartsIgnored
DislikedThe code contains look-ahead bias code. The signal could appear and disappear whenever you reload the strategy, hence, a scam. Don't ever rely on this as the author of this thread already mentionedIgnored
QuoteDislikedA=security(tickerid, 'D', close)*tms
B=security(tickerid, 'D', close[1])*tms
DislikedQualquer negociação baseada em indicadores é uma porcaria. O passado não lhe dirá para onde irá o preço. Se a taxa de vitórias for alta, parabénsIgnored
Disliked{quote} Unless you have a crystal ball, everything is in the past. If the past doesn't show any important information then how do you trade? This statement irritates me because the only way to trade without looking at the past is to be a fundamentalist investor. But we are all speculators hereIgnored
Disliked{quote} Se você estiver irritado, tome algumas vitaminas. Olhar para o passado não lhe dirá nada sobre o que está por vir. Eu repito. A maioria de vocês, traders, perdem seu tempo estudando todas essas bobagens e ainda assim perdem de forma consistente. Tenho 100% de certeza de que você perde de forma consistente. Você quer negociar, emancipar-se do comércio de escravidão mental e descobrir o que realmente faz o mercado funcionar e como usar isso a seu favor. Não está no youtube ou no google. Boa sorte.Ignored