Bionic Chart - The easiest forex navigation
Number of downloads of the Bionic candle since 2019: 39,567
Hello dear subscribers, dear beginners and traders,
A candle is made out of price and time. Time is a fixed factor while the price is variable, which is why a candle is always created randomly. This means that there are no clear pattern sequences within the candles, so that the candle formations are only created by chance. A trader should always base his trading approach on high probabilities and not coincidences. The big players are the only traders who move big markets. They work with algorithms that make it easier for them to control individual market and limit orders. These algorithms are very complex to program because they have to ensure communication between the individual order types. There are algorithms that search the market for certain abnormalities, e.g. hidden stops, and there are algorithms that trigger certain trading strategies. In the event of a breakout, market orders are shot into the market and at the same time the limit orders that would hold up the own market orders are withdrawn. In order not to have to program new algorithms every day, the internal processes within the algorithms remain. For this, the big players in the market create invisible price zones that are simply shifted depending on the situation. This means that the algorithms are only shifted to a different price level and can continue to follow their programming. The Bionic Candle was developed precisely for this and indirectly follows this institutional trading approach. This makes it easier to identify these invisible price zones of the big players and to determine possible trend reversals with a higher probability. The Bionic Candle shows the candle strength more precisely than the candle charts and unclear prices are better represented. This also saves a considerable amount of time. By making the invisible price zones visible, clear entry and exit points can now be fixed in the chart beforehand. These invisible price zones can be reduced significantly in the tick chart, thereby reducing your stop loss, increasing the CRV and reducing your risk at the same time. You can also do without many indicators, as they only follow the price chart and are therefore slower. This means that you are distracted even less and the screen is not unnecessarily cluttered. Those who identify the invisible price zones of the big players have a clear trading advantage over most market participants. That alone is a good reason to take a closer look at the Bionic Candle. Here you will find 7 videos where the advantages of the Bionic Candle are discussed in practice within 1 hour. You can then decide whether the Bionic Candle will also benefit you.
Invitation to a large project at Forex Factory
When I started trading in 2009, as a beginner, I dreamed of an indicator that showed me exactly when a price was going up or down. I developed such an indicator 2.5 years ago, made it available for free on my blog, and this indicator was downloaded several thousand times. From my point of view, most traders do not know what opportunities this indicator contains and that is completely understandable because if you do not know the advantages exactly, such an indicator is worthless. When I developed this indicator, I didn't know what the potential was. In the last 30 months I have worked very intensively with some friends and I am ready to share my findings with you. So that you get an idea of what exactly this is about, first watch the two following videos. With a little effort, I translated my spoken text in English so that it would be understandable for most traders. I apologize for any mistakes. Those of you who speak German should watch the following videos on my YouTube channel: “Gibt es Muster in den Kerzen” and “Live Trading, 2 Trades in 3 Minuten” Here is the link to my channel
YouTube Channel Bionics Forex Algorithmen
How is the further process?
First of all, I have produced some videos where you can get the most important information. The videos are in English, but you can display subtitles in your language. Click on "YouTube" in the lower right corner of the video and you will come to one of my YouTube channels and can fade in the subtitles. Take your time and watch the videos in peace first. They are coordinated and arranged chronologically. When you have seen the videos, please read through the text that can be found under the videos. There you will find everything you need to know about our project. At the very end you can download the Bionic Candle indicator for free. Look every now and then on the first page, because I will publish the most important information there. Now, we wish you a lot of fun and we look forward to your collaboration, in a large team. Greetings Michael
Let's start with the videos first.
Since this thread is in English, I have my 8 introductory videos spoken in English on the first page of this thread. I know that there are errors in the YouTube translation in your local language. I have now summarized the text of the 8 videos on 17 pages especially for you and saved it as a PDF. The text is in German, but it might be easier for you to translate this text into your national language. I hope that helps you.
The fastest indicator is a price chart, which is exactly why I developed the Bionic Candle. In the last 30 months I have spent around 5,000 hours to get to know this price chart even better. The results were incredible, which I couldn't believe at first. I'm happy to share these with you, but I'm not doing it for free. First of all, I don't want any money from you, because I've been making my living trading for many years and that won't change in the future either. In return, I would like your time. In what form and why I would like to explain to you. In the last few years I have discovered many advantages of the Bionic Candle, but far from all. I would like to change that now, in the interests of those who take part in this project. The sentence: "Achieving more together", sums it up nicely. Forex Factory has close to 1 million members. If only 0.5% of them join our joint project in the long term and work 2 hours a day with this price chart, we will achieve in one week what it has now taken me 2.5 years to do. That means that together we can achieve in one year what it would take me 50 years to do alone.
What benefits can you get from it?
If you have taken a close look at my two videos, in the future you will know more precisely where a course will turn and how far it will run exactly. With this you can not only improve your probability of winning, but also your win rate significantly. Even before you enter a trade, you know whether it is worth it because you can see exactly how far the trade could go. If you are not yet profitable, you can use it to break even and reduce potential losses. In order to dispel any doubts from the outset, I would first like to ask some critical questions and answer them at the same time.
Who am I?
My name is Michael, I come from the financial services, have been trading on the stock exchange for over 11 years and I belong to the 2% of professional Forex traders, who are allowed to trade within the ESMA regulations in Europe, with a leverage of up to 1: 500. In the last 8 years I have strategically developed from day trader to short time trader, while my cumulative screen time has already reached 40,000 hours. Since my strengths lie in the area of creativity, in recent years I have developed many things with the future stock market data that give me a deeper market insight today.
Why was this project started?
Ever since I started trading, I knew that only the big players can move the biggest markets. That's why these big players are a crucial aspect that influences my trading on a daily basis. The biggest big players don't have to work together because they use similar approaches and therefore see exactly what their competitors are doing. In their own market they are more likely to fight against the institutional and retail traders, which are proven to lose the most money. We retailers are the largest, in terms of the number of traders, but we also suffer the highest losses. To take advantage of our best opportunities, we must first understand how the big players differ from the retail traders. The big players have to be seen as a kind of army that operate according to clearly defined strategies, while the retailer is left to himself and pursues his own strategies. The biggest big players in the world work with a very professional team consisting of analysts, programmers and traders, while the retail trader has to do everything on his own. From my point of view, there are two clear advantages on our part. We can get in and out at any time and do not have to build and defend positions for hours or days. Another advantage is that we can react very quickly in order to quickly buy positions or to exit positions. Our decisive disadvantage: Many good retailers are not yet networked enough to exchange crucial knowledge. If we approach this point wisely and strategically, our current weakest market position will improve.
Bionics, you are not offering your knowledge for free, is there an ulterior motive?
Of course there is an ulterior motive, namely the further development of a very good idea. First of all, I have written over 600,000 words on my blog in the last 4 years and made creative innovations and approaches available for free. I made my Bionic Candle and many other indicators available to many traders without any counter-service , although many advised me not to. I don't sell indicators, EA's or seminars. That won't change in the future either, as I am a trader through and through. Everyone is selfish to a certain extent, it's no different with me. To be honest, I started my blog to speed up my personal knowledge acquisition. First and foremost, this is only possible by dealing very intensively with individual topics and then conveying these findings to other people in a graphic way. Of course, I don't sell any products or offer pointless trading courses, but I can develop myself three times as quickly thanks to the content I have provided. The videos and articles that I produce give me an incredible number of new ideas that inspire my creativity. Questions keep coming up that I have never asked myself before. To answer these questions, I have to dig deeper and deeper into the “eye of the tornado”. It's a kind of turbo for my own development process. Quit pro quo, or in my words: one hand washes the other.
What motivates you?
Through my very elaborate research, in dealing with the algorithms in practice, I discover new manipulations every day with which the big players regularly deceive us. And that is exactly what motivates me to take part in the market every day. I'm less interested in money and fame. The big players are Real Madrid and I am happy when, as a small footballer, I can score a goal regularly. The fact that so many traders lose in the forex market is not only due to the fact that many of them are newcomers or not very professional retail traders. The main reason for this lies in the fact that there are much more professional and financially strong big players in the forex market than in the future market. From the point of view of probability, the futures market is the simpler market, but one should generally stay away from trading, without a decisive market advantage.
Is the Bionic Candle worth the effort?
Yes, because the advantages that this new type of price chart offers are definitely worth it. I will provide you with more specific information about this. We only work with the Bionic candle without any further indicators. This is simple and efficient and can easily be combined with your setup. But not every trader will work with it, that's perfectly fine, because we only want to work with traders who really want to.
If everyone were to work with such a system, the market would soon be over.
First of all, the Bionic Candle is not a holy grail, as it allows a lot of leeway for your own interpretations. That alone prevents the same approach. In addition, not every member of FF will participate in it. Even if 1% of all FF members achieve more success with the Bionic Candle, this would not be noticed in the market, since everyone trades in different assets. The Bionic Candle will therefore never affect the stock market, but it will affect the probability of some retailers winning.
Even those who do not participate in the project benefit from it.
In theory this is true, but unfortunately not in practice. When working with the Bionic Candle, experience in dealing with this price chart is crucial. This takes a lot of time to effectively exploit the many advantages. It looks simple and easy, but it takes some getting used to. Our brain processes information that passes through several sensory channels much better. Depending on the method, only a small part of the information is retained in the brain. By reading: 10 percent, by hearing: 20 percent, by seeing: 30 percent, by hearing and seeing: 50 percent, by explaining independently: 70 percent and by doing yourself: 90 percent. Your own practice in dealing with the Bionic Candle is the fastest way to efficiently absorb and retain knowledge. Therefore it only benefits those who deal with it on a daily basis. You can't fly a plane just because you're watching a video.
Bionics just wants to become number 1 in Forex Factory.
That's exactly what I don't want. I admire Davit, Ata-Turkoglu and hanover how much time they spend or have spent on their valuable threads every day. I don't have the time to do this, as I am pursuing a number of projects in algorithm profiling. Incidentally, I prefer 10 subscribers who work intensively with us than 100 passive members who wait for something to happen. In addition, it is not about me, but about future, shared findings of the Bionic Candle, from which everyone who participates can benefit.
If I take part, do I have to change my entire setup?
The Bionic candle is only part of the whole, you can continue to work with your strategy, it is just an addition. Of course, you can also just work only with the Bionic Candle, it is basically just a clever candle that takes into account the new spirit of the time.
Can one lose with the Bionic candle?
Of course, and that's also important to learn from. Most traders have trouble accepting losses, so the stop is pulled or profits are taken too early. From my experience: If one are wrong you will be stopped out and look for a new possibility. Personally, I find losses more helpful than profits, because hardly any trader researches why he won afterwards. Losses, on the other hand, help you further when you find out where the error was.
Can anyone take part in this project?
Yes and no. I have been running my blog: "Equilibrium, the key to success", for 4 years and have a very polite and constructive exchange with great subscribers, of whom I am very proud. That won't change in my new thread either. I say yes to all participants who participate constructively here and treat their colleagues fairly. I say no to anyone who tries to disturb or hinder this community.
How are the rules of the game
This blog is all about the Bionic Candle, the asset is irrelevant. My friend and I only work in EURUSD, but all currencies, indices or raw materials and metals are welcome. What we do not accept are other indicators, advertising for your own blog or things that ignore the actual topic. It is not about the significance of the Bionic Candle, but about the advantages that result for you. We also don't want to have unnecessary discussions based on sheer vanity. My friend and I have many years of extensive experience in the forex and future market, with stock market data and algorithms. This can potentially help us in many areas.
This project was not started to teach traders to trade or to motivate them to trade ill-considered, but solely to realize a mutually beneficial exchange. Exchanges have existed for over 600 years and during this time no trader has succeeded in developing a reproducible concept in order to achieve constant profits. I do not want to suggest that I can change these facts through the way I trade, nor do I suggest that my view of the markets is correct. Every trader has his own opinion, which I absolutely accept and respect. Incidentally, I expect the same from others. So my future statements here are only my personal opinion. I always accept discussions about further development, I categorically reject discussions on the basis of vanity. The information I publish is based solely on my personal opinion or experience and I make no claim that I am right.
Prospect of the future
Sometimes things change just by a word or phrase pronounced by two different people. At this moment, when you have a new idea, you can only be happy to work as a small trader. Because as an employee of the big players, your idea must first be checked and through several instances. I believe that the greatest inventions in the world would never have come about if they had been chased through many instances. As a retailer, you can implement your ideas directly. The big players do not have this speed and flexibility. This is another advantage for us retailers. It is not the big ones who eat the little ones, but the fast ones the slow ones. I am convinced, that the Bionic Candle can bring you faster to the breakeven point. Whoever manages this is one of the 10% of the best traders in the world, although it still doesn't make a profit, but also doesn't make any losses.
Side aspects
The Bionic Candle was developed to better understand the approach of the big players. All insiders who worked for the big players have a confidentiality clause in their contract. A violation of this could result in substantial claims for damages. That is why there is hardly anyone who explains the real practice of the big players. With the right technology and equipment, however, you can anticipate your next steps. The Bionic candle helps here because it takes the individual scenarios into account. In order to follow the big players, you have to be in markets where the biggest players are active. The greater the liquidity in a market, the better information the Bionic candle provides.
Another advantage ...
With the Bionic candle, as a scalper, I find an opportunity to get started on average every 2 minutes. That is an advantage along with many that we will talk about. There is no right or wrong on the stock market, only "too early" or "too late". The Bionic candle could be exactly the middle ground.
What's next?
The purpose of this first post is to give you a clear overview of what to expect and what we expect. First of all, you should consider if this thread meets your expectations and if you are ready to get involved. We don't want to entertain you here, we want to work with you. We are not looking for consumers, but creative producers. If you accept these terms and conditions, we are in the game.
In the videos available you will find all the information that I have collected over the past few years. Start by getting to know the Bionic Candle better. In daily work, you may notice things that I have not yet seen myself. We will collect these here in order to create a clear concept. In this thread, too, we want to use videos and pictures more intensively, because a moving picture says more than 10,000 words.
How do you become successful with the Bionic candle?
There are a lot of hurdles to overcome at first, as some of you may not have worked with the MT4 before. There are numerous videos on YouTube on the subject that will help you with the setup.
First of all, it is important to watch the eight videos about the Bionic candle. Many members even think that these videos should be watched a few times. For some it was also helpful to reproduce the zones I created in the video in their own chart. But there is a small problem here, because every broker has partly different prices and this of course also changes the representation of the bionic candle. But that's not a problem, you can still find the key candle.
The Bionic candle was primarily developed for the EURUSD, where it works best. Of course, you can also use them in the major currency pairs, it is important that there is high liquidity. The higher the liquidity in a market, the better information the Bionic candle provides. Of course it also works in the DAX or S&P, but I recommend you to start with EURUSD.
In addition to the bionic candle, you will find other auxiliary indicators and corresponding templates on the first page. These many auxiliary indicators could confuse you at first rather than help you. Therefore my recommendation, start with the bionic candle. Once you have these installed on your chart, start in H1 or M15. Now go far back in time, begin to identify the key candles and then draw the corresponding zones with two lines each. When you're done, scroll into the future and see if your assumption was correct. If you're wrong, draw a zone in the last low or high and go back in time. Then you can find the key candle and learn where your mistake was. At the beginning I would only analyze the larger trend reversals. You can often find interesting key candles after a major equilibrium. Another little tip, if you work with colored zones, it is best to use a dark blue color, as this is the least distracting.
Begin to analyze the candle strength, from which future price changes can often be determined. You can find this information in my videos.
Please keep in mind that the Bionic Candle is not a moving average that tells you exactly when to trade. Nevertheless, the Bionic candle is a good tool to improve the future probability of winning. But you have to train and stay on the ball for that. In principle, it's like playing tennis, it's not just about making a few serves, you have to be on the court regularly. Now I wish you a lot of fun training and don't let it get you down.
Perhaps this thread is the beginning of something very valuable. We look forward to you.
Kind regards Michael
Here is the current version 6.1 with all templates and additional indicators
The bionic indicator is regularly revised and adapted. As soon as there is a new version, the old one is completely deleted. This also deletes the number of downloads displayed.
Number of downloads of the Bionic candle since October 2021: 19280
You can find more information about the individual indicators here:
This indicator was developed and programmed by me and is my personal property. It can be used unlimitedly and free of charge by every trader. And it should stay that way in the future, because I don't want to earn any money from it. If someone comes up with the idea to sell or market this indicator, we will prosecute them.
Template for the Bionic Candle
Best start with the Bionic Candle
Of course, as a seconds scalper, I act in a very short time frame, but the larger time frames are also important to me. I would like to give you an example of this. If you drive a vehicle very fast at night and only have the low beam on, you will not see a dangerous curve until later than if you switched on the high beam. The big players are not on the move in short timeframes, as they sometimes carry out their collection campaigns over many hours. Imagine that you already know roughly how the courses will go on a day. Then you can act much better in a short time frame because you see the big picture. The Bionic Candle was created precisely because we can reduce the invisible price zones from the larger time units to a smaller time frame. A larger unit of time shows more and more accurate data as it eliminates the noise of the market. You should always use this advantage. We will talk in great detail about how these zones are made smaller and how to work successfully even on a tickchart. Since an H1 or M15 always provides more precise information than an M1, the easiest way to get to know the advantages of the Bionic Candle is in a higher time unit. The smaller the time unit, the more difficult it is to make concrete statements. No matter what you learn, you always start with the simplest things in order to understand a thing. Then the level of difficulty can be increased. First use the larger time frame e.g. M15 to understand the principle. If you are a professional there, you can increase your level of difficulty at any time. In addition, we want to work together here to discover further advantages of the Bionic Candle. For this we need a homogeneous level of knowledge and we have to achieve this together first.
When you have learned to professionally shrink the zones of the bionic candle, you should deal with the tickchart. I wrote two important articles about this, you can find the link here.
Advantages of a tick chart
Bionic candle on the tick chart
Different tick charts with the Bionic candle
Here you can find other important posts that I have published within the thread. These are updated regularly
Why does the Bionic Candle work best in liquid markets?
The optimal communication
Pullback in the Bionic candle
Pull on the same rope together!
Now that we have given you the basics of the Bionic candle, it is now a matter of collecting your first experiences and familiarizing yourself with the new candle. As you already know, I have been working exclusively with EURUSD for over 11 years. So that you can see the opportunities that arise, watch this video first. The pictures and the text are in English, but it is spoken in German. To do this, you can display subtitles in English on YouTube.
I have developed a table with which you can determine your optimal currency pair. Here is the explanation of how you work with it:
Efficient currency pair
You can download the table here:
Bionic currency calculator
The biggest big players in the world trade daily in EURUSD, which has the greatest liquidity of all assets in the world. A high level of liquidity means less volatility, but it also means greater security, which is ideal for our training. In addition, the Bionic Candle works best in liquid sideways markets. I talked about this in my videos on the home page of this thread.
For the reasons mentioned above, I would like to mainly focus on the EURUSD in this thread. Of course you can also post other assets, but I cannot give you any concrete support because I am not focused on other assets. When most of us work with the EURUSD, there are interesting synergies. We have daily, different information about the current course in EURUSD and at the same time we can see whether our drawn zones are right or wrong. It will also be interesting that we regularly keep an eye on all time units, since each of you acts in different time units. As a result, the learning effect is greatest when most of us concentrate on one thing. Of course, the Bionic Candle works in all assets, but we should start with the simplest one. In driving school you don't learn in a sports car either. The Bionic candle is not only able to identify the key zones, but also shows the current strength during the ongoing process.
Try once, from this strength, to make a forecast for the future in the current chart. Even that is not easy at first, but every day you discover new aspects that make trading easier for you.
I am convinced that this joint approach will bring us the greatest success. Here's a little comparison. We take two groups of 25 people, who compete against each other to pull rope. Group A is significantly stronger than group B, but the weaker group B wins. The reason is simply because they bundle their strengths together to the point. And if we can do just that on this thread, the results will surprise us. Kind regards Michael
Disclaimer of liability
This content is not commercial and does not pursue any commercial goals. I do not assume any liability for the correctness, completeness and topicality of the information in my files, which are made available free of charge. The content of my threads is for information only, it does not constitute investment advice or trading advice. Please note that you use the data I have provided free of charge at your own risk.
Number of downloads of the Bionic candle since 2019: 39,567
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Hello dear subscribers, dear beginners and traders,
A candle is made out of price and time. Time is a fixed factor while the price is variable, which is why a candle is always created randomly. This means that there are no clear pattern sequences within the candles, so that the candle formations are only created by chance. A trader should always base his trading approach on high probabilities and not coincidences. The big players are the only traders who move big markets. They work with algorithms that make it easier for them to control individual market and limit orders. These algorithms are very complex to program because they have to ensure communication between the individual order types. There are algorithms that search the market for certain abnormalities, e.g. hidden stops, and there are algorithms that trigger certain trading strategies. In the event of a breakout, market orders are shot into the market and at the same time the limit orders that would hold up the own market orders are withdrawn. In order not to have to program new algorithms every day, the internal processes within the algorithms remain. For this, the big players in the market create invisible price zones that are simply shifted depending on the situation. This means that the algorithms are only shifted to a different price level and can continue to follow their programming. The Bionic Candle was developed precisely for this and indirectly follows this institutional trading approach. This makes it easier to identify these invisible price zones of the big players and to determine possible trend reversals with a higher probability. The Bionic Candle shows the candle strength more precisely than the candle charts and unclear prices are better represented. This also saves a considerable amount of time. By making the invisible price zones visible, clear entry and exit points can now be fixed in the chart beforehand. These invisible price zones can be reduced significantly in the tick chart, thereby reducing your stop loss, increasing the CRV and reducing your risk at the same time. You can also do without many indicators, as they only follow the price chart and are therefore slower. This means that you are distracted even less and the screen is not unnecessarily cluttered. Those who identify the invisible price zones of the big players have a clear trading advantage over most market participants. That alone is a good reason to take a closer look at the Bionic Candle. Here you will find 7 videos where the advantages of the Bionic Candle are discussed in practice within 1 hour. You can then decide whether the Bionic Candle will also benefit you.
Invitation to a large project at Forex Factory
When I started trading in 2009, as a beginner, I dreamed of an indicator that showed me exactly when a price was going up or down. I developed such an indicator 2.5 years ago, made it available for free on my blog, and this indicator was downloaded several thousand times. From my point of view, most traders do not know what opportunities this indicator contains and that is completely understandable because if you do not know the advantages exactly, such an indicator is worthless. When I developed this indicator, I didn't know what the potential was. In the last 30 months I have worked very intensively with some friends and I am ready to share my findings with you. So that you get an idea of what exactly this is about, first watch the two following videos. With a little effort, I translated my spoken text in English so that it would be understandable for most traders. I apologize for any mistakes. Those of you who speak German should watch the following videos on my YouTube channel: “Gibt es Muster in den Kerzen” and “Live Trading, 2 Trades in 3 Minuten” Here is the link to my channel
YouTube Channel Bionics Forex Algorithmen
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How is the further process?
First of all, I have produced some videos where you can get the most important information. The videos are in English, but you can display subtitles in your language. Click on "YouTube" in the lower right corner of the video and you will come to one of my YouTube channels and can fade in the subtitles. Take your time and watch the videos in peace first. They are coordinated and arranged chronologically. When you have seen the videos, please read through the text that can be found under the videos. There you will find everything you need to know about our project. At the very end you can download the Bionic Candle indicator for free. Look every now and then on the first page, because I will publish the most important information there. Now, we wish you a lot of fun and we look forward to your collaboration, in a large team. Greetings Michael
Let's start with the videos first.
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Since this thread is in English, I have my 8 introductory videos spoken in English on the first page of this thread. I know that there are errors in the YouTube translation in your local language. I have now summarized the text of the 8 videos on 17 pages especially for you and saved it as a PDF. The text is in German, but it might be easier for you to translate this text into your national language. I hope that helps you.
Attached File(s)
The fastest indicator is a price chart, which is exactly why I developed the Bionic Candle. In the last 30 months I have spent around 5,000 hours to get to know this price chart even better. The results were incredible, which I couldn't believe at first. I'm happy to share these with you, but I'm not doing it for free. First of all, I don't want any money from you, because I've been making my living trading for many years and that won't change in the future either. In return, I would like your time. In what form and why I would like to explain to you. In the last few years I have discovered many advantages of the Bionic Candle, but far from all. I would like to change that now, in the interests of those who take part in this project. The sentence: "Achieving more together", sums it up nicely. Forex Factory has close to 1 million members. If only 0.5% of them join our joint project in the long term and work 2 hours a day with this price chart, we will achieve in one week what it has now taken me 2.5 years to do. That means that together we can achieve in one year what it would take me 50 years to do alone.
What benefits can you get from it?
If you have taken a close look at my two videos, in the future you will know more precisely where a course will turn and how far it will run exactly. With this you can not only improve your probability of winning, but also your win rate significantly. Even before you enter a trade, you know whether it is worth it because you can see exactly how far the trade could go. If you are not yet profitable, you can use it to break even and reduce potential losses. In order to dispel any doubts from the outset, I would first like to ask some critical questions and answer them at the same time.
Who am I?
My name is Michael, I come from the financial services, have been trading on the stock exchange for over 11 years and I belong to the 2% of professional Forex traders, who are allowed to trade within the ESMA regulations in Europe, with a leverage of up to 1: 500. In the last 8 years I have strategically developed from day trader to short time trader, while my cumulative screen time has already reached 40,000 hours. Since my strengths lie in the area of creativity, in recent years I have developed many things with the future stock market data that give me a deeper market insight today.
Why was this project started?
Ever since I started trading, I knew that only the big players can move the biggest markets. That's why these big players are a crucial aspect that influences my trading on a daily basis. The biggest big players don't have to work together because they use similar approaches and therefore see exactly what their competitors are doing. In their own market they are more likely to fight against the institutional and retail traders, which are proven to lose the most money. We retailers are the largest, in terms of the number of traders, but we also suffer the highest losses. To take advantage of our best opportunities, we must first understand how the big players differ from the retail traders. The big players have to be seen as a kind of army that operate according to clearly defined strategies, while the retailer is left to himself and pursues his own strategies. The biggest big players in the world work with a very professional team consisting of analysts, programmers and traders, while the retail trader has to do everything on his own. From my point of view, there are two clear advantages on our part. We can get in and out at any time and do not have to build and defend positions for hours or days. Another advantage is that we can react very quickly in order to quickly buy positions or to exit positions. Our decisive disadvantage: Many good retailers are not yet networked enough to exchange crucial knowledge. If we approach this point wisely and strategically, our current weakest market position will improve.
Bionics, you are not offering your knowledge for free, is there an ulterior motive?
Of course there is an ulterior motive, namely the further development of a very good idea. First of all, I have written over 600,000 words on my blog in the last 4 years and made creative innovations and approaches available for free. I made my Bionic Candle and many other indicators available to many traders without any counter-service , although many advised me not to. I don't sell indicators, EA's or seminars. That won't change in the future either, as I am a trader through and through. Everyone is selfish to a certain extent, it's no different with me. To be honest, I started my blog to speed up my personal knowledge acquisition. First and foremost, this is only possible by dealing very intensively with individual topics and then conveying these findings to other people in a graphic way. Of course, I don't sell any products or offer pointless trading courses, but I can develop myself three times as quickly thanks to the content I have provided. The videos and articles that I produce give me an incredible number of new ideas that inspire my creativity. Questions keep coming up that I have never asked myself before. To answer these questions, I have to dig deeper and deeper into the “eye of the tornado”. It's a kind of turbo for my own development process. Quit pro quo, or in my words: one hand washes the other.
What motivates you?
Through my very elaborate research, in dealing with the algorithms in practice, I discover new manipulations every day with which the big players regularly deceive us. And that is exactly what motivates me to take part in the market every day. I'm less interested in money and fame. The big players are Real Madrid and I am happy when, as a small footballer, I can score a goal regularly. The fact that so many traders lose in the forex market is not only due to the fact that many of them are newcomers or not very professional retail traders. The main reason for this lies in the fact that there are much more professional and financially strong big players in the forex market than in the future market. From the point of view of probability, the futures market is the simpler market, but one should generally stay away from trading, without a decisive market advantage.
Is the Bionic Candle worth the effort?
Yes, because the advantages that this new type of price chart offers are definitely worth it. I will provide you with more specific information about this. We only work with the Bionic candle without any further indicators. This is simple and efficient and can easily be combined with your setup. But not every trader will work with it, that's perfectly fine, because we only want to work with traders who really want to.
If everyone were to work with such a system, the market would soon be over.
First of all, the Bionic Candle is not a holy grail, as it allows a lot of leeway for your own interpretations. That alone prevents the same approach. In addition, not every member of FF will participate in it. Even if 1% of all FF members achieve more success with the Bionic Candle, this would not be noticed in the market, since everyone trades in different assets. The Bionic Candle will therefore never affect the stock market, but it will affect the probability of some retailers winning.
Even those who do not participate in the project benefit from it.
In theory this is true, but unfortunately not in practice. When working with the Bionic Candle, experience in dealing with this price chart is crucial. This takes a lot of time to effectively exploit the many advantages. It looks simple and easy, but it takes some getting used to. Our brain processes information that passes through several sensory channels much better. Depending on the method, only a small part of the information is retained in the brain. By reading: 10 percent, by hearing: 20 percent, by seeing: 30 percent, by hearing and seeing: 50 percent, by explaining independently: 70 percent and by doing yourself: 90 percent. Your own practice in dealing with the Bionic Candle is the fastest way to efficiently absorb and retain knowledge. Therefore it only benefits those who deal with it on a daily basis. You can't fly a plane just because you're watching a video.
Bionics just wants to become number 1 in Forex Factory.
That's exactly what I don't want. I admire Davit, Ata-Turkoglu and hanover how much time they spend or have spent on their valuable threads every day. I don't have the time to do this, as I am pursuing a number of projects in algorithm profiling. Incidentally, I prefer 10 subscribers who work intensively with us than 100 passive members who wait for something to happen. In addition, it is not about me, but about future, shared findings of the Bionic Candle, from which everyone who participates can benefit.
If I take part, do I have to change my entire setup?
The Bionic candle is only part of the whole, you can continue to work with your strategy, it is just an addition. Of course, you can also just work only with the Bionic Candle, it is basically just a clever candle that takes into account the new spirit of the time.
Can one lose with the Bionic candle?
Of course, and that's also important to learn from. Most traders have trouble accepting losses, so the stop is pulled or profits are taken too early. From my experience: If one are wrong you will be stopped out and look for a new possibility. Personally, I find losses more helpful than profits, because hardly any trader researches why he won afterwards. Losses, on the other hand, help you further when you find out where the error was.
Can anyone take part in this project?
Yes and no. I have been running my blog: "Equilibrium, the key to success", for 4 years and have a very polite and constructive exchange with great subscribers, of whom I am very proud. That won't change in my new thread either. I say yes to all participants who participate constructively here and treat their colleagues fairly. I say no to anyone who tries to disturb or hinder this community.
How are the rules of the game
This blog is all about the Bionic Candle, the asset is irrelevant. My friend and I only work in EURUSD, but all currencies, indices or raw materials and metals are welcome. What we do not accept are other indicators, advertising for your own blog or things that ignore the actual topic. It is not about the significance of the Bionic Candle, but about the advantages that result for you. We also don't want to have unnecessary discussions based on sheer vanity. My friend and I have many years of extensive experience in the forex and future market, with stock market data and algorithms. This can potentially help us in many areas.
This project was not started to teach traders to trade or to motivate them to trade ill-considered, but solely to realize a mutually beneficial exchange. Exchanges have existed for over 600 years and during this time no trader has succeeded in developing a reproducible concept in order to achieve constant profits. I do not want to suggest that I can change these facts through the way I trade, nor do I suggest that my view of the markets is correct. Every trader has his own opinion, which I absolutely accept and respect. Incidentally, I expect the same from others. So my future statements here are only my personal opinion. I always accept discussions about further development, I categorically reject discussions on the basis of vanity. The information I publish is based solely on my personal opinion or experience and I make no claim that I am right.
Prospect of the future
Sometimes things change just by a word or phrase pronounced by two different people. At this moment, when you have a new idea, you can only be happy to work as a small trader. Because as an employee of the big players, your idea must first be checked and through several instances. I believe that the greatest inventions in the world would never have come about if they had been chased through many instances. As a retailer, you can implement your ideas directly. The big players do not have this speed and flexibility. This is another advantage for us retailers. It is not the big ones who eat the little ones, but the fast ones the slow ones. I am convinced, that the Bionic Candle can bring you faster to the breakeven point. Whoever manages this is one of the 10% of the best traders in the world, although it still doesn't make a profit, but also doesn't make any losses.
Side aspects
The Bionic Candle was developed to better understand the approach of the big players. All insiders who worked for the big players have a confidentiality clause in their contract. A violation of this could result in substantial claims for damages. That is why there is hardly anyone who explains the real practice of the big players. With the right technology and equipment, however, you can anticipate your next steps. The Bionic candle helps here because it takes the individual scenarios into account. In order to follow the big players, you have to be in markets where the biggest players are active. The greater the liquidity in a market, the better information the Bionic candle provides.
Another advantage ...
With the Bionic candle, as a scalper, I find an opportunity to get started on average every 2 minutes. That is an advantage along with many that we will talk about. There is no right or wrong on the stock market, only "too early" or "too late". The Bionic candle could be exactly the middle ground.
What's next?
The purpose of this first post is to give you a clear overview of what to expect and what we expect. First of all, you should consider if this thread meets your expectations and if you are ready to get involved. We don't want to entertain you here, we want to work with you. We are not looking for consumers, but creative producers. If you accept these terms and conditions, we are in the game.
In the videos available you will find all the information that I have collected over the past few years. Start by getting to know the Bionic Candle better. In daily work, you may notice things that I have not yet seen myself. We will collect these here in order to create a clear concept. In this thread, too, we want to use videos and pictures more intensively, because a moving picture says more than 10,000 words.
How do you become successful with the Bionic candle?
There are a lot of hurdles to overcome at first, as some of you may not have worked with the MT4 before. There are numerous videos on YouTube on the subject that will help you with the setup.
First of all, it is important to watch the eight videos about the Bionic candle. Many members even think that these videos should be watched a few times. For some it was also helpful to reproduce the zones I created in the video in their own chart. But there is a small problem here, because every broker has partly different prices and this of course also changes the representation of the bionic candle. But that's not a problem, you can still find the key candle.
The Bionic candle was primarily developed for the EURUSD, where it works best. Of course, you can also use them in the major currency pairs, it is important that there is high liquidity. The higher the liquidity in a market, the better information the Bionic candle provides. Of course it also works in the DAX or S&P, but I recommend you to start with EURUSD.
In addition to the bionic candle, you will find other auxiliary indicators and corresponding templates on the first page. These many auxiliary indicators could confuse you at first rather than help you. Therefore my recommendation, start with the bionic candle. Once you have these installed on your chart, start in H1 or M15. Now go far back in time, begin to identify the key candles and then draw the corresponding zones with two lines each. When you're done, scroll into the future and see if your assumption was correct. If you're wrong, draw a zone in the last low or high and go back in time. Then you can find the key candle and learn where your mistake was. At the beginning I would only analyze the larger trend reversals. You can often find interesting key candles after a major equilibrium. Another little tip, if you work with colored zones, it is best to use a dark blue color, as this is the least distracting.
Begin to analyze the candle strength, from which future price changes can often be determined. You can find this information in my videos.
Please keep in mind that the Bionic Candle is not a moving average that tells you exactly when to trade. Nevertheless, the Bionic candle is a good tool to improve the future probability of winning. But you have to train and stay on the ball for that. In principle, it's like playing tennis, it's not just about making a few serves, you have to be on the court regularly. Now I wish you a lot of fun training and don't let it get you down.
Perhaps this thread is the beginning of something very valuable. We look forward to you.
Kind regards Michael
Here is the current version 6.1 with all templates and additional indicators
The bionic indicator is regularly revised and adapted. As soon as there is a new version, the old one is completely deleted. This also deletes the number of downloads displayed.
Number of downloads of the Bionic candle since October 2021: 19280
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Attached File(s)
You can find more information about the individual indicators here:
This indicator was developed and programmed by me and is my personal property. It can be used unlimitedly and free of charge by every trader. And it should stay that way in the future, because I don't want to earn any money from it. If someone comes up with the idea to sell or market this indicator, we will prosecute them.
Template for the Bionic Candle
Best start with the Bionic Candle
Of course, as a seconds scalper, I act in a very short time frame, but the larger time frames are also important to me. I would like to give you an example of this. If you drive a vehicle very fast at night and only have the low beam on, you will not see a dangerous curve until later than if you switched on the high beam. The big players are not on the move in short timeframes, as they sometimes carry out their collection campaigns over many hours. Imagine that you already know roughly how the courses will go on a day. Then you can act much better in a short time frame because you see the big picture. The Bionic Candle was created precisely because we can reduce the invisible price zones from the larger time units to a smaller time frame. A larger unit of time shows more and more accurate data as it eliminates the noise of the market. You should always use this advantage. We will talk in great detail about how these zones are made smaller and how to work successfully even on a tickchart. Since an H1 or M15 always provides more precise information than an M1, the easiest way to get to know the advantages of the Bionic Candle is in a higher time unit. The smaller the time unit, the more difficult it is to make concrete statements. No matter what you learn, you always start with the simplest things in order to understand a thing. Then the level of difficulty can be increased. First use the larger time frame e.g. M15 to understand the principle. If you are a professional there, you can increase your level of difficulty at any time. In addition, we want to work together here to discover further advantages of the Bionic Candle. For this we need a homogeneous level of knowledge and we have to achieve this together first.
When you have learned to professionally shrink the zones of the bionic candle, you should deal with the tickchart. I wrote two important articles about this, you can find the link here.
Advantages of a tick chart
Bionic candle on the tick chart
Different tick charts with the Bionic candle
Here you can find other important posts that I have published within the thread. These are updated regularly
Why does the Bionic Candle work best in liquid markets?
The optimal communication
Pullback in the Bionic candle
Pull on the same rope together!
Now that we have given you the basics of the Bionic candle, it is now a matter of collecting your first experiences and familiarizing yourself with the new candle. As you already know, I have been working exclusively with EURUSD for over 11 years. So that you can see the opportunities that arise, watch this video first. The pictures and the text are in English, but it is spoken in German. To do this, you can display subtitles in English on YouTube.
Inserted Video
I have developed a table with which you can determine your optimal currency pair. Here is the explanation of how you work with it:
Efficient currency pair
You can download the table here:
Bionic currency calculator
The biggest big players in the world trade daily in EURUSD, which has the greatest liquidity of all assets in the world. A high level of liquidity means less volatility, but it also means greater security, which is ideal for our training. In addition, the Bionic Candle works best in liquid sideways markets. I talked about this in my videos on the home page of this thread.
Inserted Video
For the reasons mentioned above, I would like to mainly focus on the EURUSD in this thread. Of course you can also post other assets, but I cannot give you any concrete support because I am not focused on other assets. When most of us work with the EURUSD, there are interesting synergies. We have daily, different information about the current course in EURUSD and at the same time we can see whether our drawn zones are right or wrong. It will also be interesting that we regularly keep an eye on all time units, since each of you acts in different time units. As a result, the learning effect is greatest when most of us concentrate on one thing. Of course, the Bionic Candle works in all assets, but we should start with the simplest one. In driving school you don't learn in a sports car either. The Bionic candle is not only able to identify the key zones, but also shows the current strength during the ongoing process.
Try once, from this strength, to make a forecast for the future in the current chart. Even that is not easy at first, but every day you discover new aspects that make trading easier for you.
I am convinced that this joint approach will bring us the greatest success. Here's a little comparison. We take two groups of 25 people, who compete against each other to pull rope. Group A is significantly stronger than group B, but the weaker group B wins. The reason is simply because they bundle their strengths together to the point. And if we can do just that on this thread, the results will surprise us. Kind regards Michael
Disclaimer of liability
This content is not commercial and does not pursue any commercial goals. I do not assume any liability for the correctness, completeness and topicality of the information in my files, which are made available free of charge. The content of my threads is for information only, it does not constitute investment advice or trading advice. Please note that you use the data I have provided free of charge at your own risk.
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Forget:That does not work, amateurs build the ark, pros the Titanic!