Hi Forexests, 
Here is a newB. My experience does not matter as i just opened a live account. Nevertheless, i have been in stocks and shares for ten years and have been looking into demo forex for 4 months now, there are some questions i have and i would like to see what reaction different people have.
Let's say i do a hedge/statistical arbitrage, anti co currency as an insurance.
i.e, buy 1 lot eur/usd + 1 lot usd/chf. purpose is just to wait out to a 1% gain on my capital as i believe eur/chf would gain pips but am scared of longing 1 lot eur/chf. Will the trade work?
If it works, then an auto trading system would be magical since its not open ended one way trade hence i wouldn't have to worry on input sl/tp.
(lets see what's replied, have to see to my baby.)

Here is a newB. My experience does not matter as i just opened a live account. Nevertheless, i have been in stocks and shares for ten years and have been looking into demo forex for 4 months now, there are some questions i have and i would like to see what reaction different people have.
Let's say i do a hedge/statistical arbitrage, anti co currency as an insurance.
i.e, buy 1 lot eur/usd + 1 lot usd/chf. purpose is just to wait out to a 1% gain on my capital as i believe eur/chf would gain pips but am scared of longing 1 lot eur/chf. Will the trade work?
If it works, then an auto trading system would be magical since its not open ended one way trade hence i wouldn't have to worry on input sl/tp.
(lets see what's replied, have to see to my baby.)
Right teaching produces right believing leads to right living. - J.P