gbp going down!

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"The time to act is when others show signs of tire." --W.D. Gann
does you broker ban arbitrage on manipulated price quotes? 2 replies
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Broker arbitrage BIG TIME 4 replies
IRA(interest rate arbitrage) 8 replies
Help me please, need an advice about this technique (interest arbitrage) 6 replies
Quoting titikokatitingDislikedHas anyone tried hedging 2 different brokers one offering no swap while the other charging interest and end up earning in the process? based on my computation, if i buy 10 lots of USD/JPY from my broker that charges interest and then i sell 10 lots USD/JPY from the no-swap-broker, in theory I will earn around 136 dollars a day or 2,739 dollars a month.
This might sound too good to be true.
Can anyone enlighten me on the matter?Ignored
Quoting titikokatitingDislikedim planning to do it next week, 50,000 dollars for each broker. if im gonna earn 2,736 dollars a month, thats 32,832 dollars a year. thats 32% return on equity. after 12 years, the value will be $ 2,798,254. comments?Ignored
Quoting titikokatitingDislikedyup, if after 1 month, my other account is losing 40,000 and the other is gaining 40,000. i'll close both my position then transfer my earnings from one account to another and then continue to trade again...what do you think?Ignored
Quoting aswilledDislikedThis will only work if the market is in a steady trend for the time periods you are planning to keep these trades open. And we both know the market oscillates and returns to its place of origin. So, if you lose 40,000 on a margin call, then the market reverses and start taking away the profits you made, you will come out under $100,000. Try your theory in a demo account for one month and see where it gets you. Then you will have proof it works. But $3,000 a month aint no money. People are joining forex because that is all they are bringing in. Besides, an aggressive mutual fund will give you a better ROI and pay you throughout the year in dividends.Ignored
Quoting aswilledDislikedThis will only work if the market is in a steady trend for the time periods you are planning to keep these trades open. And we both know the market oscillates and returns to its place of origin. So, if you lose 40,000 on a margin call, then the market reverses and start taking away the profits you made, you will come out under $100,000. Try your theory in a demo account for one month and see where it gets you. Then you will have proof it works. But $3,000 a month aint no money. People are joining forex because that is all they are bringing in. Besides, an aggressive mutual fund will give you a better ROI and pay you throughout the year in dividends.Ignored
Quoting clam61Dislikedwhat is the "swap"Ignored
Quoting howardDislikedClam
Differential interest payable or receiveable on overnight open positions
Quoting clam61Dislikedreading hte inital post, thats what i thought it might be...but what broker does not charge interest?
but even if you could find a broker that does that...depending on whether your winning position was with the swapless broker or the might end up being charged interest.Ignored
Quoting PipBirdDislikedHey guys very intresting strategy, as we know that gbp/jpy is the highest intrest yielding pair on a long position, and also the gpb/jpy has been going up for the last five years or so, my idea would be to just hold this pair, making a great return on intrest and taking your chances of it going up which look pretty good to me why hedge with another broker when you can pretty much guess the long position will be going upIgnored
Quoting PipBirdDislikedHey guys very intresting strategy, as we know that gbp/jpy is the highest intrest yielding pair on a long position, and also the gpb/jpy has been going up for the last five years or so, my idea would be to just hold this pair, making a great return on intrest and taking your chances of it going up which look pretty good to me why hedge with another broker when you can pretty much guess the long position will be going upIgnored
Quoting howardDislikedtitikok
Did you have any progress on this idea?
Quoting titikokatitingDislikedi just finished researching brokers, dont know if i can post the names. i prefer the usd/jpy. i have'nt started cause my country's currency (Philippine Peso is appreciating every if i convert my money to dollars and earn interest through this method, then change it back to peso, it wnt make a difference. i'll start it when the peso is depreciating again which will happen maybe nxt month.Ignored
Quoting stockwetDislikedI have a model built for this type of strategy. I can't share it here because I built it with another trader and we'd have to agree together to share it. But, I would say that you need to construct a financial model with a spreadsheet and think of ALL the variables that will impact your profitability before jumping in. I'll leave it at that.
And, yes, I think this is a good strategy and good approach.Ignored