Disliked{quote} Has anyone else experienced it where the EA closes the trades if the max allowed spread is reached even though the trades are in a loss and it just closes them and your whole basket ends up being a loss? Whether it was one trade that was open or a basket it has happened to me on both occasions. How do we fix this? Or is there a hidden SL I don't know about on the EA?Ignored
Hey how are you doing! Please explain with detail what happened. Mention all the inputs as they were and also mention how many trades were opened..etc etc.
Give as much detail as you can so I can determine what the fix can be. OR if you have an idea of the fix would be best, I can implement that too.
I do not do updates on EAs that I worked on prevoous, anymore, BUT when it comes to MM errors.. then that is important and must be placed under control. This I will deal with, cause its the most important part of trading when it comes to automation. PRESERVATION OF CAPITAL!
I'll be back in a couple of days to see any responses to this issue.
Take care
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