Disliked{quote} This is very important. You cannot completely detach completely from the money. You have to come to terms with the fact that it is part of trading to lose money. The best traders have win rates in the fifty five to sixty percent range. This means that if you are the best you will still lose forty percent or more of the time. To win long term requires learning to think in a probability mindset. You have to accept that each trade has a random outcome even though over a large set of trades you will have a higher probability of winning over...Ignored
About the size, I completely agree, but I also have a type of trouble... I already trade the minimum size of my asset (1 contract of the brazilian future index) and only one trade a day to avoid overreacting to losses. I have money the back my MM properly, but I find very hard to keep trading in the same way after I get into losing streaks (even small ones)