If you use facebook then like me you have probably had the Accelerating Profits advert thrust in front of you. For a mere $499 an astounding money making strategy! What could possibly be amiss, human nature being what it is and the statutory warning right at the bottom being ignored?
A recent interest in harmonic patterns found me looking at FSO Harmonic Scanner. a product of Dennis Buchholz, and so onto his Agimat trading system, something he claims to have written but is just a collection of freely available indicators. This made me wonder if Accelerating Profits fitted the same description; yes, it does. In fairness I should mention that Accelerating Profits don't seem to claim that they are the originators of their system as Dennis Buchholz does of his.
By posting here I'm hoping that anyone tempted to buy the Accelerating Profits strategy will find this so that they can have it for free - the implementation is pretty obvious and described in the advertising videos, albeit with "pivot", "support", and "resistance" being apparently interchangable!
It consists of Ichimoku with Kijun Sen set to 16, Awsome Oscillator, Cloud Trend, and Colour RSI that has been renamed Accelerating Line in their videos. There are also the daily pivot and support/resistance lines that are used to place stop loss and take profit albeit in a seemingly confused manner. Whether these indicators together produce a profitable algorithm I don't know. It seems unlikely but I'll program an EA with them to find out. Anyway, here's $499 
Best wishes, Geoff
PS Anyone got CloudTrend.mq4?
A recent interest in harmonic patterns found me looking at FSO Harmonic Scanner. a product of Dennis Buchholz, and so onto his Agimat trading system, something he claims to have written but is just a collection of freely available indicators. This made me wonder if Accelerating Profits fitted the same description; yes, it does. In fairness I should mention that Accelerating Profits don't seem to claim that they are the originators of their system as Dennis Buchholz does of his.
By posting here I'm hoping that anyone tempted to buy the Accelerating Profits strategy will find this so that they can have it for free - the implementation is pretty obvious and described in the advertising videos, albeit with "pivot", "support", and "resistance" being apparently interchangable!

Best wishes, Geoff
PS Anyone got CloudTrend.mq4?
Attached File(s)