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- Status:
- MTF Stochastics and Volume/Price
- Last Online:
- Invisible
- Using Local Time:
- Invisible
- Joined Forex Factory:
- Jan 2007
Input by Spudfyre
- Trading From:
- Canada (map)
- Occupation:
- Professional Analyst
- Trading Style(s):
- Technical Analyst
- Favorite Trading Book:
- Psychcology of the Stock Market by GC Seldon; 1912 (Amazon)
- Biography:
- Numbers guy pure at heart and have been trading for decades. My doctrine is to make 20 pips a day in Forex in a cosnsitent and reliable manner, that is all I need. My earnings are based on the value of my pips.
I belive in making the market work for me. Trading is a lot of work, so I want to get paid.
Never fight the market, think you are better than the market. Life's too short. Just trade with the market; when the market hands you pips, just take them.
Don't over think trading. Really, you don't have to be smart, just consistent.
Never ever, ever pay for a system. If they have to charge you for a sytem, it can't possibly work for them...can it.

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