In one thread we find the registered moron spreadbetter (LIM) and arch enemy #24 posing as a "guest" arguing our call here is not possible.
But we base calls on calculated volatility envelopes that in this case has a) an increasing rate of decrease on the sell side and b) an increasing rate of increase on the buy side guaranteeing our stop and target levels with only a 1/20 chance of error and suggesting momentum ID with little or no retrace. This is math not his ignorance -> the daft mutt.
You are Euro safe going up to 1.37394 without retrace for now and with a stop set at 1.35000. We can assess the situation at that point though our long-term view remains 1.40/41 at this stage and at which point (or just prior) we can review the situation. Of course we must trade with risk in mind and there is always a chance that fluctuants (such as natural and or political etc events) can cause temporary deviations but will NEVER revers forecast trajectory. Good Luck